








源自中古英語 frēten (吃,侵蝕,摧毀,煩擾),源自古英語 fretan (吃掉,吞噬;破裂,爆裂)[1],源自原始西日耳曼語 *fraetan,源自原始日耳曼語 *fraetaną (消耗,吞食,吃掉),源自原始日耳曼語 *fra- (完全,完整)(源自原始印歐語 *pro- (朝著,向前))+ *etaną ()(源自原始印歐語 *h₁ed- ())。

荷蘭語 vretenfretten (吞食,狼吞虎嚥)低地德語 freten (吃掉)德語 fressen (吞食,狼吞虎嚥)哥特語 𐍆𐍂𐌰𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌽 (fraitan, 吞食)瑞典語 fräta (吃掉,侵蝕,腐蝕)同源;亦與丹麥語 fråse (狼吞虎嚥)有關。

“摩擦”之義可能是因與盎格魯-諾曼語 *freiter(現代法語 fretter (方言))的音近而混同,其源自通俗拉丁語 *frictāre,是拉丁語 fricāre的反覆體,源自fricō (摩擦),最终源自原始印歐語 *bʰreyH- (切割);對比古法語 froter(現代法語 frotter)。來源推測的主要阻礙是缺少古法語詞彙的證明。[2]



fret (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 frets,現在分詞 fretting,過去式 fretted fret frate,過去分詞 fretted (常用於複合詞) fretten)

  1. (及物棄用詩歌尤指動物) 吞噬狼吞虎嚥
    • Template:RQ:Langland Piers Plowman
    • 1609, Ammianus Marcellinus, Philemon Holland, transl., 章號 XIV, 出自 The Roman Historie, containing Such Acts and Occurrents as Passed under Constantius, Iulianus, Iovianus, Valentinianus, and Valens, Emperours, book IX, London: Printed by Adam Islip, →OCLC,頁號 322:
      Their hearts alreadie fretted and cankered at the very roote, for the last disgrace received.
    • 1727–1728, Mather Byles [et al.], 編者Bruce [Ingham] Granger, Proteus Echo (1727–28): A Series of Essays and Poems [...] that Appeared in the New-England Weekly Journal [...] (History of Psychology Series; 420), Delmar, N.Y.: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 出版於 1986, →ISBN,頁號 75:
      And could we let a Light into their Bosoms, we should see them generally fretted and cankered with this secret and corroding Venom.
  2. (及物) 摩擦刺激(身體部位)
    • 1676, Richard Wiseman, “[A Treatise of Tumors.] Of an Herpes”, 出自 Severall Chirurgical Treatises, London: Printed by E. Flesher and J[ohn] Macock, for R[ichard] Royston bookseller to His Most Sacred Majesty, and B[enjamin] Took at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, →OCLC頁號 80:
      A Perſon of Honour, of a full Body abounding with ſharp Humours, was ſeized with an Herpes on his right Leg. [...] [I]t inflamed and ſwelled very much, many Wheals aroſe, and fretted one into another, with great Excoriation.
    • 1823–1824, A[stley Paston] Cooper, “Lecture LII”, 出自 The Lancet. [...] In Two Volumes, 3rd版, 卷 II, London: Knight and Lacey, Paternoster-Row; and G. L. Hutchinson, the Lancet office, Strand, 出版於 1826, →OCLC頁號s 100–101:
      We sometimes perform an operation on the under lip [...] in consequence of / Cancer Labii [cancer of the lips], / Which disease generally arises from the use of a pipe, and the manner in which it happens is this:—the adhesive nature of the clay of which the pipe is made, causes it to adhere to the lip; at length the cuticle becomes torn off, and the continued irritation frets the sore into true cancerous disease.
  3. (及物) 使躁動,使不平靜激起漣漪
    to fret the surface of water
  4. (及物fret out 的搭配出現) 揮霍浪費
    • 1611, John Speed, “Henrie the Sixth, King of England, and France, Lord of Ireland: The Three and Fiftieth Monarch of England, His Raigne, Actes, and Issve”, 出自 The History of Great Britaine under the Conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. [...], Imprinted at London: [By William Hall and John Beale] [...] and are to be solde by Iohn Sudbury & Georg Humble, in Popes-head alley at ye signe of ye white Horse, →OCLC; 再版 London: Printed by Iohn Beale, for George Hvmble, and are to be sold in Popes-head Pallace, at the signe of the White Horse, 1614, →OCLC, book 9, paragraph 55,頁號 665,列號 1:
      Yorke hereupon conſults with his ſpeciall friends; [...] how Yorke might get the Crowne of England, and for that cauſe how to ruine or fret out the Duke of Sommerſet; who ſtanding, they were to looke for ſtrong oppoſition.
    • 1835, Louisa Sidney Stanhope, “Conclusion”, 出自 Sydney Beresford. A Tale of the Day. [...] In Three Volumes, 卷 III, London: Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster-Row, →OCLC頁號 274:
      We are all hurrying down the one common stream to the great ocean of eternity: but are we performing our social duties, as citizens of the world, in sculking away into holes and corners, to fret out time and life, because God has judged fit to withdraw the favourite toy he lent us—not making us destitute—but graciously leaving in our keeping, ten thousand toys beside.
  5. (及物不及物)
    • Template:RQ:Jack Straw
    • 1677, Edward Browne, “A Journey from Vienna in Austria to Hamburg”, 出自 An Account of Several Travels through a Great Part of Germany: In Four Journeys. [...], London: Printed for Benj[amin] Tooke, and are to be sold at the sign of the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, →OCLC頁號 136:
      The Mines are cold where the outward Air comes in; but where not, warm. The greateſt trouble they have is by duſt, which ſpoileth their Lungs and Stomachs, and frets their Skins.
    • 1881, Frederick W[illiam] Robertson, “The Peace of God”, 出自 “The Human Race” and Other Sermons Preached at Cheltenham, Oxford, and Brighton, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, →OCLC頁號 233:
      You may see the surges wear and fret away the basement of the cliff against which they dash themselves, and the mass of broken rock falls into the depth and disappears, and then it is carried away by the tide as it retires.
    • 1886年1月5日, Samuel West, “Some Aneurysms of the Heart, Many of the Cases Exhibiting the Effects of Erosion”, 出自 Transactions of the Pathological Society of London, 卷s XXXVII (Comprising the Report of the Proceedings for the Session 1885–86), London: Smith, Elder & Co., 15, Waterloo Place, →OCLC頁號 159:
      In all the present cases it is the aortic valves that are the source of the mischief. Vegetations, massive, tough, and often calcareous have formed upon these valves, and as they were drive to and fro by the blood-stream have fretted the parts with which they came into contact, and aneurysm at these spots has been the frequent result.
  6. (及物不及物) (被)激怒;(使)惱怒
  7. (不及物) 邊緣因摩擦而損傷
    A wristband frets on the edges.
    • 1893, A[lexander] Fraser-Macdonald, “The North Atlantic Viewed as a Region Traversed by Our Ocean Railways”, 出自 Our Ocean Railways: Or, The Rise, Progress, and Development of Ocean Steam Navigation, London: Chapman and Hall, →OCLC頁號 239:
      This, as Maury remarks, "suggested the idea that there was no running water nor abrading forces at play upon the bed of the deep sea, and consequently, if ever an electric cord were lodged upon the telegraphic plateau, there it would lie in cold abstraction; without anything to fret, chafe or wear, save alone the tooth of time."
  8. (不及物) 焦慮焦急
    • Template:RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice
    • 1882 June, [Margaret Oliphant], “The Ladies Lindores.—Part III.”, 出自 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 卷 CXXXI (American edition, volume XCIV), 期 DCCC, New York, N.Y.: The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Barclay Street, →OCLC, chapter VII,頁號 708,列號 2:
      Had Carry preferred mere wealth, weighed by such a master, to the congenial spirit of her former lover? It fretted the young man even to think of such a possibility. And the visitors had fretted him each in some special point.
    • 1913, Joseph C[rosby] Lincoln, 章號 5, 出自 Mr. Pratt’s Patients, New York, N.Y., London: D. Appleton and Company, →OCLC, →OL頁號s 115–116:
      Of all the queer collections of humans outside of a crazy asylum, it seemed to me this sanitarium was the cup winner. But, after all, I shouldn't have expected nothing different. When you're well enough off so's you don't have to fret about anything but your heft or your diseases you begin to get queer, I suppose.
    • 2022年4月25日, Kate Conger, “Twitter Employees Search for Answers as Musk Deal Takes Shape”, 出自 The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      Recruits have also fretted that the shares included in their offer letters could quickly become devalued if Mr. Musk succeeded in taking Twitter private.
  9. (不及物) 激動
    Rancour frets in the malignant breast.
  10. (不及物釀造釀酒學) 二度發酵
    • Template:RQ:Dictionaire Oeconomique
    • 1856, “The Art of Brewing”, 出自 The Brewer: A Familiar Treatise on the Art of Brewing, with Directions for the Selection of Malt and Hops, &c., &c.: Instructions for Making Cider and British Wines: Also, a Description of the New and Improved Brewing Saccharometer and Slide Rule, with Full Instructions for Their Use, London: William R[obert] Loftus, 6, Beaufoy Terrace, Edgeware Road, →OCLC頁號 50:
      It is important to allow beer to flatten, after it has ceased working. This is accomplished by leaving the casks open, when the small floating particles of yeast part with their fixed air, lose their buoyancy, and sink to the bottom. [...] The beer having thus deposited its remaining yeast will not be liable to fret.



fret (複數 frets)

  1. 苦惱擔憂
    • 1724, Paul Neile, “Sir Paul Neile’s Discourse of Cider”, 出自 John Evelyn, Silva: Or, A Discourse of Forest-trees, and the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty’s Dominions: [...] In Two Books. [...], 5th版, London: Printed for J. Walthoe [et al.], →OCLC頁號 91:
      Now though Cider uſed in my Method ſhould not ferment at all, till it come into the Bottle, and then but a little; yet the Cauſe of Fermentation being in a great Degree taken away, the reſt can do no conſiderable Harm to thoſe who drink it, [...] It is in your Power to give the Cider juſt as much fret as you pleaſe, and no more; and that by ſeveral ways: For either you may bottle it ſooner or later, as you pleaſe: Or you may bottle it from two Taps in your Veſſel, and that from the higher Tap will have leſs Fret, and the lower more: [...]
    • 1857, [Margaret Oliphant], “The First Day”, 出自 The Days of My Life. An Autobiography. [...] In Three Volumes, 卷 III, London: Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street, →OCLC頁號 4:
      The place was a little below Gravesend, quite out of the fret and bustle of the narrower river, and there was not even a steamboat pier to disturb the quiet of this cluster of harmless houses, though they watched upon their beach the passage of great navies down the greatest thoroughfare of England.
    • 1877, “BEER”, 出自 Encyclopædia of Chemistry Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical as Applied to the Arts and Manufactures, 卷s I (Acetic Acid – Gas), Philadelphia, Pa.: J. B. Lippincott & Co., →OCLC頁號 315,列號 2:
      When the pitching heat is high, and the yeast is of a good quality and in sufficient abundance, the fermentation proceeds so rapidly and with such energy that it becomes ungovernable; some means must therefore be employed to check the heat. For this purpose coils of pipe, through which water circulates, are fitted up in the tun. Unless this is done the whole of the glutinous constituents of the gyle is not removed in the yeast, and the liquor does not cleanse satisfactorily, in consequence of an after fermentation which sets in, which is technically known as the "fret."
  2. 焦躁
    He keeps his mind in a continual fret.
    • Template:RQ:Pope Arbuthnot
    • 1836 December, “Art. IX. Transactions of the Institute of British Architects. Vol. I. Part I. London, 1836.”, 出自 John Taylor Coleridge 編, The Quarterly Review, 卷 LVIII, 期 CXVI, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, →OCLC頁號 524:
      It was our good fortune last autumn to escape from the feverish excitement and moral tension of this vast metropolis, from the hurry and fret of business, the glut of pleasure, the satiety of delight, the weariness of politics, and the exhausting duties of our critical function, into that favoured corner of our fortunate island, the West of England; [...]
    • 1897, B[everly] Carradine, The Sanctified Life, Cincinnati, Oh.: Office of the Revivalist, →OCLC,頁號 192:
      And the preacher who delivered the discourse went home and fretted; his wife, children and servants being witnesses. Sanctification takes the spirit of fret out of the heart.
    • 1980, Renaissance Papers, Durham, N.C.: Southeastern Renaissance Conference, →ISSN, →OCLC,頁號 50:
      After their introduction to Orlando, Celia wonders why Rosalind should be so morose ([William Shakespeare's As You Like It,] I.iii.10–19): [...] In her effort to cheer Rosalind, Celia compares these frets to burs, meaning the rough and prickly flowerheads: "They are but burs, cousin, thrown upon thee in holiday foolery."
  3. 皰疹
    • 1860, Robert J[acob] Jordan, 章號 I, 出自 Skin Diseases and Their Remedies, London: John Churchill, New Burlington Street, →OCLC, book I (Diseases of the Skin),頁號 57:
      Vesiculæ, or vesicles, are small, circumscribed elevations of the scarf-skin, containing serum, at first (both in their coats and contents) transparent, afterwards white and opaque, and terminating in the formation of scurf or thin scales. Under this head are ranged varicella (chicken-pox), sudamina, eczema (red fret), herpes (fret), scabies (itch).
    • 1867年4月25日, [Colin Mackenzie], “Farriery”, 出自 Mackenzie’s Ten Thousand Receipts, in All the Useful and Domestic Arts; Constituting a Complete and Practical Library, [...], new, carefully revised and re-written版, Philadelphia, Pa.: T. Ellwood Zell & Company, Nos. 17 & 19 South Sixth Street,頁號s 112–113:
      To cure Gripes in Horses. This disorder goes by different names in different districts of the country; as fret, from the uneasiness attending it; bots, from its being thought to arise from these animals or worms, etc. [...] In speaking of the medicine for gripes, or the flatulent colic sometimes termed fret, Mr. White mentions, domestic remedies may be employed when proper medicines cannot be procured in time.
  4. (礦業複數) 侵蝕腐蝕



英國英格蘭赫里福德郡馬奇馬克爾村奧德利家族的紋章,為紅色背景配金色的 fret(“與菱形圖案交錯的X形十字”,名詞義項2)

來自中古英語 frēten (裝飾),來自古法語 freté[3]freterfretter (裝飾),來自古法語 fret(來自fraindre (打破),來自拉丁語 frangō (破壞,粉碎),來自原始意大利語 *frangō,源頭來自原始印歐語 *bʰreg- (破壞))+ 古法語 -er (動詞形後綴)(來自拉丁語 -āre,源頭來自原始印歐語 *h₃enh₂- (重壓))。



fret (複數 frets)

  1. 卍字浮雕,回字紋
  2. (紋章學)菱形圖案交錯的X形十字
    • 1764, Temple Henry Croker, Thomas Williams, Samuel Clark [et al.], “DIAPERED”, 出自 The Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 卷 I, London: Printed for the authors, and sold by J. Wilson & J. Fell, Pater-noster Row; [et al.], →OCLC:
      DIAPERED, or Diapre, in heraldry, the dividing of a field in planes, like fret-work, and filling the ſame with variety of figures. This chiefly obtains on bordures, which are diapered or fretted over, and the frets charged with things proper for bordures.


德國符騰堡民間文化博物館收藏的一件 fretted(“用交織浮雕裝飾的”,動詞義項1)木質天窗格柵

fret (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 frets,現在分詞 fretting,一般過去時及過去分詞 fretted)

  1. (及物) (尤指用交錯交織的圖案)裝飾(建築學)雕刻浮雕裝飾
    • Module:Parameters第822行Lua错误:Parameter "format" is not used by this template.
  2. (及物)上面形成圖案斑紋
    • Template:RQ:Shakespeare Julius Caesar
    • 1882年7月29日, J. Henry Shorthouse, “The Marquis Jeanne Hyacinth De St. Palaye [from Macmillan’s Magazine]”, 出自 Littel’s Living Age, 卷 XXXIX (Fifth Series; volume CLIV overall), 期 1988, Boston, Mass.: Littel & Co., →OCLC, section V,頁號 228,列號 1:
      The sun shone brilliantly through the trembling leaves, birds of many colors flitted from spray to spray, butterflies and bright insects crossed the fretted work of light and shade.
  3. (及物)圓鋸切開




來自中古英語 freten (),來自古法語 freter,來自frete (金屬包頭)(現代法語 frette)。用來表示音樂意思的源頭未知;可能來自 frete 或來自 fret(摩擦)。[4]



fret (複數 frets)

  1. (棄用方言) 金屬包頭
  2. (音樂)



fret (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 frets,現在分詞 fretting,一般過去時及過去分詞 fretted)

  1. (原指用捆綁繫緊
  2. (及物音樂) 音樂方面的意思:
    1. 在(樂器)上裝上
      to fret a guitar給吉他裝上品
    2. 琴弦壓在的後面
      • 2015, Drew Turrill, “Step by Step Exercises”, 出自 Don’t Fret – Learn Lead Guitar the Easy Way, [s.l.]: BookBaby, →ISBN:
        Note that right next to the headstock, the boxes may utilize some open notes in place of fretting with the pointer finger because the nut will effectively fret the notes for you [].



來自拉丁語 fretum (航道,海峽)



fret (複數 frets)

  1. 航道海峽
    • Template:RQ:Hakluyt Principall Navigations
    • 1721, Joseph Addison, “Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia, Ancona, Loretto, &c. to Rome”, 出自 The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq, 卷s II (Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years 1701, 1702, 1703), London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shakespear's-Head, over-against Katherine-street in the Strand, →OCLC頁號 56:
      The river Velino, after having found its way from among the rocks where it falls, runs into the Nera. The channel of this laſt river is white with rocks, and the ſurface of it, for a long ſpace, covered with froth and bubbles; for it runs all along upon the fret, and is ſtill breaking againſt the ſtones that oppoſe its paſſage: [...]



來自古法語 fretefraitefraicte,可能部分和fret (航道,海峽)混淆。[5]



fret (複數 frets)

  1. (罕用) 海洋上的航道水道



最早見於1800年代中期,起源未知。[6]可能與fret (在……上面形成圖案)[7]fret (吞噬, 指大霧籠罩陸地)fret (使水面激起漣漪, 指將霧吹向內陸的風) 等相關;語義上對照haar (冷風;縹緲的風;霧,迷霧)。而方言中拼寫也作 freet,發音讀作 /fɹit/,這個現象在詞源1中也有發現。[8]





fret (複數 frets)

  1. (諾森布里亞)海上飄來的
    • 2008, Trezza Azzopardi, Winterton Blue: A Novel,頁號 14:
      The wind brings a fret off the ocean; not cold, but achingly damp.


  1. frēten, v.(1).” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 18 February 2018.
  2. Oxford English Dictionary, 1884–1928, and First Supplement, 1933.
  3. frēten, v.(2).” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 18 February 2018.
  4. Oxford English Dictionary, 1884–1928, and First Supplement, 1933.; Oxford English Dictionary, 1884–1928, and First Supplement, 1933.
  5. Oxford English Dictionary, 1884–1928, and First Supplement, 1933.
  6. fret”, LexicoDictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–present.
  7. sea fret” in Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary.
  8. Template:R:EDD









來自中古荷蘭語 furetfret,來自古法語 furet,來自通俗拉丁語 *fūrittus拉丁語 fūr ()的指小。



fret m (複數 fretten指小 fretje n)

  1. 雪貂Mustela putorius furo



源自英語 fret



fret m (複數 frets指小 fretje n)

  1. (音樂) 弦樂器上的







來自古法語 fret,來自中古荷蘭語 vrecht,來自古荷蘭語 *frēht,來自原始西日耳曼語 *fra- + *aihti





fret m (複數 frets)

  1. (船運) 運費
  2. (延伸) 租金
  3. 貨物
    • 2008 March 9, Reuters, “L'ATV Jules Verne né sous une bonne étoile”,
      Il n’y aura plus alors que les vaisseaux Progress russes pour emmener du fret à bord de la station spatiale, et les Soyouz pour les vols habités.


  • 葡萄牙語: frete
  • 西班牙語: flete








  1. 𐍆𐍂𐌴𐍄的羅馬化





繼承古英語 *frǣt(對照ǣt)或freten逆構詞







fret (不可数)

  1. 大量消耗磨損



借自古法語 fretfraindre的過去分詞;對照freten (裝飾)







fret (复数 frettes)

  1. 裝飾飾物
  2. 網狀頭巾
  3. (紋章學) 的X形十字



借自古法語 frette (繫,環),起源不明;對照freten ()







fret (复数 frettes)

  1. (罕用)



借自古法語 fretfrait,來自拉丁語 fractum








  1. (罕用) 通常為保證和平而支付的費用






  1. freten (裝飾)的另一種寫法







源自中古荷蘭語 vrecht



fret m (間接格複數 frez fretz,主格單數 frez fretz,主格複數 fret)

  1. 費用







  1. fraindre過去時分詞