- Category:英語動詞變位形式:詞形產生變化(即變位)來表示與原形不同的語法關係的英語動詞形式。
- Category:英語不及物動詞:英語中不需要賓語的動詞。
- Category:英語作格動詞:英語 intransitive verbs that become causatives when used transitively.
- Category:英語助動詞:英語 verbs that provide additional conjugations for other verbs.
- Category:英語動詞短語:英語 verbs accompanied by particles, such as prepositions and adverbs.
- Category:英語及物動詞:英語 verbs that indicate actions, occurrences or states directed to one or more grammatical objects.
- Category:英語無人稱動詞:英語 verbs that do not indicate actions, occurrences or states of any specific grammatical subject.
- Category:英語雙及物動詞:英語中同時表示兩個語法對象的動作、存在、狀態(一個直接,一個間接)的詞彙。
- Category:英語靜態動詞:英語 verbs that define a state through means of a verb.
- aah
- abacinate
- abalienate
- abandon
- abandon oneself to
- abase
- abash
- abashed
- abate
- abbreviate
- abbreviated
- abdicate
- abduce
- abduct
- abe
- abelianise
- abelianize
- abend
- abends
- aberrate
- abet
- abhor
- abide
- abide by
- abirritate
- abject
- abjudge
- abjudicate
- abjure
- ablactate
- ablaqueate
- ablate
- able
- ablute
- abnegate
- abolish
- A-bomb
- abominate
- abomine
- abort
- abound
- abrade
- abrase
- abridge
- abrogate
- abscess
- abscind
- abscise
- abscond
- abseil
- absent
- absolue
- absolve
- absorb
- absorbing
- absquatulate
- abstain
- absterge
- abstract
- abuse
- abut
- aby
- academise
- academize
- accable
- accede
- accelerate
- accent
- accents
- accentuate
- accept
- accepting
- accessorise
- accessorize
- accinge
- acclaim
- acclimate
- acclimatize
- accolade
- accommodate
- accompany
- accomplish
- accord
- accordion
- accost
- accouche
- accounting
- accourt
- accoutre
- accredit
- accresce
- accrue
- accrued
- acculture
- accumulate
- accuse
- accustom
- ace
- achieve
- achromatise
- achromatize
- acidify
- acknowelege
- acknowledg
- acknowledge
- acquaint
- acquiesce
- acquire
- acquit
- act
- action
- activate
- actualise
- actualize
- actuate
- acupuncture
- acute
- acylate
- Adam and Eve
- adapt
- adapting
- add
- addend
- addict
- add insult to injury
- addle
- add oil
- address
- addressed
- addressing
- adduce
- add up
- add up to
- adhære
- adhere
- adhering
- adiate
- adiós
- adjoin
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- adjure
- adjust
- admier
- admin
- administer
- administrate
- admit
- admonish
- adolesce
- adopt
- adore
- adorn
- adsorb
- adulter
- adure
- advance
- advanced
- adventure
- advert
- advertise
- advertize
- advise
- advocate
- adze
- aerate
- aeriate
- aerify
- aestivate
- affect
- affection
- affiliate
- affine
- affirm
- affirme
- affix
- afflict
- afford
- afforest
- affricate
- affront
- affuse
- age
- aged
- ageing
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggravate
- aggregate
- aggrieve
- aggrieved
- aggro
- aging
- agitate
- agitated