分類 » 所有語言 » 英語 » 依詞彙屬性分類的詞 » 有同音詞的詞
英語 terms that have one or more homophones; other terms that are pronounced equally but spelled differently.
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- Aaron
- abbot
- Abel
- accept
- accepting
- accessory
- acclimation
- actor
- acts
- add
- addition
- adds
- adolescence
- adze
- aerial
- afeared
- affuse
- afterwards
- aid
- ail
- ails
- air
- aisle
- all
- allot
- allowed
- -ally
- a lot
- aloud
- Alps
- altar
- alum
- Amber
- an
- analyst
- and
- animus
- annul
- ant
- apatite
- aphelia
- aphelion
- Appalachian
- append
- appetite
- arc
- archer
- are
- aren't
- Ares
- Aries
- ark
- Aryan
- ascent
- Asgard
- Asheville
- ashore
- ask
- asked
- assail
- assent
- assure
- at
- ate
- atom
- auger
- augur
- auk
- aunt
- aural
- aureole
- Aussie
- Austin
- autarchy
- autarky
- aver
- away
- awe
- aweigh
- awful
- awl
- awn
- axle
- azure
- baa
- bacon
- bah
- bail
- bailing
- baiting
- bald
- bale
- ball
- balm
- balmily
- banc
- band
- bandeau
- banned
- banner
- banns
- bar
- bargee
- bark
- baron
- barque
- barren
- barytone
- base
- based
- baseline
- basil
- bask
- Basque
- bass
- bassist
- baste
- bastion
- bate
- bating
- batter
- batty
- bauble
- bawdy
- bawl
- bazaar
- be
- Bea
- beach
- beaches
- bean
- bear
- beard
- bears
- beat
- beats
- beaut
- beauty
- beaux
- beaver
- bee
- beech
- been
- beer
- beet
- beetle
- beets
- belle
- benighted
- berry
- berth
- bes
- betting
- bevy
- bezel
- bibb
- bidder
- bier
- bight
- Billy
- bin
- birth
- bite
- bites
- bitter
- bizarre
- Blais
- blare
- blend
- blende
- blew
- blight
- blinkard
- blob
- block
- blocks
- bloom
- blue
- boar
- board
- boarder
- boars
- boating
- bobble
- bock
- bode
- bodily
- body
- bold
- bole
- boll
- bomb
- bombsight
- bombsite
- Boone
- boor