




词源 1


base + -ed





based (比較級 more based最高級 most based)

  1. (一般用于结合形式)有(怎样的)根据
    That was a soundly based argument.




  1. base 的過去式和過去分詞
    1. 来自...的,基于...的,根据...的
      It's a new film based on a best-selling novel.
    2. 坐落于...的,落脚于...的
      The ladder is based on the even sidewalk for stability.
    3. 基地位于...的,总部位于...的
      The company is based in New York.

词源 2


指代精炼可卡因(freebase cocaine),经由basehead一词。由美国歌手Lil B所创来形容自己的生活方式。



based (比較級 more based最高級 most based)

  1. (俚語) 不在乎世俗眼光的,我行我素
    • 2010年6月10日, Lil B, Complex.com[1]:
      Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. [] Based is positive.
    • 2012, Duncan Cooper, "Based Scripture: The Full Transcript of Lil B’s Lecture at NYU", The Fader, 12 April 2012:
      You have to work as a human with empathy and love in your heart, staying positive and staying based and staying normal.
  2. (網路用語) 很棒的,值得赞赏的,令人钦佩的,中肯
    反義詞: cringeunbased
    OP is based as fuck
    1. (網路用語原為4chan) (因反对自由主义左翼价值观而)值得赞赏
      近義詞: unwoke
      Based and red pilled.
      My last account got banned for being too based.
      • 2019, Kira Stalker, "The Fracturing of the Alt Right: Conflicting Online Discourses Of White Nationalist Communities", thesis submitted to George Mason University, page 139:
        Those who are against Trump are not based at all. On February 16th, The Donald users comment on a “based” post in r/DankMemes which uses a classic Squidward sleeping meme to criticize those who are upset by Chris Pratt going to “church” (one which was purportedly anti-LGBT) but “ok” with sex predators in Hollywood: []
      • 2019, anonymous, quoted in Cathrine Thorleifsson, "From cyberfascism to terrorism: On 4chan/pol/ culture and the transnational production of memetic violence", Nations and Nationalism, Volume 28, Issue 1, page 293:
        His [Brenton Tarrant's] meme-themed shooting greatly represents the spirit of the aussie people, in the sense of shitposting until their last moment, based and redpilled he is.
      • 2020, David Rubin, Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason頁號 未標明:
        Then, in the same month, noted feminist Christina Hoff Sommers was branded “white supremacy-adjacent” by feminist Roxane Gay. Her reasoning? That our beloved “Based Mom” once appeared at an event with Milo Yiannopoulos and didn't disavow him enough.

