Chinese Taipei
[编辑]1970年代,由 Chinese (“中國的,中華的”) + Taipei (“臺北”) 組成。前半部分具有語意上的模糊性,可指實際統治臺澎金馬等地的中華民國,或指宣稱擁有主權的中華人民共和國;後半部分則源自行政中心臺北的威妥瑪拼音。
[编辑]- 中華臺北
- 1979年9月16日, “ROC rejects ruling on Olympic Games”, 出自 Free China Weekly[1], 第 XX 卷, 第 36 期, Taipei, →ISSN, →OCLC,第 1 頁:
- The Republic of China Olympic Committee (ROCOC) Sept. 8 rejected the recommendation of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee that the ROCOC be re-named the “Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee,” with the condition that it adopts an anthem and flag which are different from those of the Republic of China used at present.
- 中華民國奧林匹克委員會(ROCOC)9 月8 日拒絕了國際奧林匹克委員會執行局關於將中華民國奧林匹克委員會更名為「中華臺北奧林匹克委員會」的建議,條件是中華民國奧林匹克委員會採用不同於目前使用的中華民國國歌 和國旗。
- 1984, Dick Schaap, The 1984 Olympic Games: Sarajevo/Los Angeles[2], Random House, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, →OL,第 137 頁:
- Seven countries sent teams to challenge the U.S. in Los Angeles. The field included Chinese Taipei, commonly called Taiwan, which had several players who. in younger years, had starred on championship teams at the Little League World Series in Williamsport. Pa.;[...]
- 七個國家派出代表隊在洛杉磯向美國隊挑戰。其中包括中華臺北隊(俗稱臺灣隊),該隊有幾名球員在年輕時曾在威廉斯波特少年棒球聯盟世界大賽的冠軍隊中擔任主角
- 1998, Regulatory Reform in the Global Economy: Asian and Latin American perspectives[3], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, →ISBN, →OCLC, →OL,第 125 頁:
- The example of financial services and telecommunications deregulation in Chinese Taipei was brought up to argue that, to ensure market competition, rules should be transparent and information should be available to all.
- 提出中華臺北金融服務和電信放鬆管制的例子是為了表明,為了確保市場競爭,規則應該透明,資訊應該向所有人公開。
- 2004, Matthew Gianni, Walt Simpson, “Flags of Convenience, Transhipment, Re-supply and At-Sea Infrastructure in Relation to IUU Fishing”, 出自 Fish Piracy: Combatting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing[4], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, →ISBN, →OCLC, →OL,第 85 頁:
- Most of these vessels are built in Chinese Taipei (see Table 6.4). In fact, of the 51 fishing vessels over 24 metres built in Chinese Taipei over the past three years, 50 were flagged in FOC countries by the end of 2003, while only one was flagged in Chinese Taipei. It would be worth further investigation to determine whether any of the companies in Chinese Taipei involved in building new vessels have benefited from funds for the joint Japan/Chinese Taipei programme designed to decommission large- scale tuna longline vessels. Further, given the status of Chinese Taipei as a “Co-operating Party, Entity or Fishing Entity” of ICCAT, the government should be encouraged to ensure that no vessels built in Chinese Taipei shipyards are allowed to register to flag of convenience countries.
- 這些船舶大部分是在中華臺北建造的(見表 6.4)。事實上,在過去三年中華臺北建造的51艘24公尺以上漁船中,截至2003年底,有50艘懸掛方便旗國國旗,而只有一艘懸掛中華臺北國旗。值得進一步調查的是,是否有任何參與建造新船的中華臺北公司受益於日本/中華臺北聯合計劃的資金,該計劃旨在使大型金槍魚延繩釣漁船退役。此外,鑑於中華臺北作為ICCAT的「合作方、實體或漁業實體」的地位,應鼓勵政府確保中華臺北造船廠建造的船舶不得在方便旗國註冊。
- 2008年8月15日, Jake Hooker, “Taiwanese Fans Travel to See An Unexpected Loss to China”, 出自 The New York Times[5], →ISSN, →OCLC,2008-12-11歸檔自原頁面, Olympics[6]:
- China was in white jerseys as the home team, and the Taiwanese players wore blue jerseys labeled with the initials C.T., for Chinese Taipei, the negotiated team name under which Taiwan’s athletes are competing to avoid sensitivities about issues of national sovereignty.
- 中國隊作為主隊穿著白色球衣,臺灣球員則身穿藍色球衣,上面印有「中華臺北」的首字母「C.T.」,這是臺灣運動員為避免國家主權問題的敏感性而協商使用的隊名。
- 2009, “Chinese Taipei”, 出自 Do Countries Paying Teachers Higher Relative Salaries Have Higher Student Mathematics Achievement?[7], →ISBN, →OCLC,第 73 頁:
- Over the last few decades, Chinese Taipei has been successful in attracting high-achieving students into the teaching profession. Even so, the education level of teachers in Chinese Taipei has stayed fairly uniform.
- 在過去的幾十年裡,中華臺北成功地吸引了優秀的學生進入教師行業。 即便如此,中華臺北教師的教育程度仍然相當均勻。
- 2021年7月27日, “Weightlifter Kuo wins Chinese Taipei's first gold at Tokyo Olympics”, 出自 huaxia 編, 新華社[8],於August 7, 2021歸檔自原頁面:
- TOKYO, July 27 (Xinhua) -- Kuo Hsing-Chun of Chinese Taipei won the women's weightlifting 59kg gold medal with a total lifts of 236kg, bringing the first gold to Chinese Taipei at Tokyo 2020 here on Tuesday.
- 新華社東京7月27日電:中華臺北選手郭婞淳週二在這裡以236公斤的總成績奪得女子舉重59公斤級金牌,為中華臺北隊帶來2020年東京奧運首枚金牌。
- 2021年8月6日, William Yang, “'Chinese Taipei': Taiwan's Olympic success draws attention to team name”, 出自 Deutsche Welle[9],於August 6, 2021歸檔自原頁面:
- 'Taiwan' still used in media coverage
Despite the lack of official "Taiwanese" representation, the name "Taiwan" was still used on some occasions during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
For example, an anchor at Japan's public broadcaster used Taiwan rather than Chinese Taipei to introduce the Taiwanese delegation during the opening ceremony.
Additionally, many foreign media reports about Taiwan's performance during the Olympics also use Taiwan rather than Chinese Taipei to introduce the team.- 媒體報導仍使用「臺灣」
- 媒體報導仍使用「臺灣」
- 2021年9月3日, “Lithuania recalls Beijing ambassador over China-Taiwan spat”, 出自 Associated Press[10],於September 3, 2021歸檔自原頁面:
- Taiwan and Lithuania agreed in July that the office in the capital, Vilnius, set to open this fall, will bear the name Taiwan rather than Chinese Taipei — a term often used in other countries in order not to offend Beijing.
- 臺灣和立陶宛於7月同意,定於今年秋天開設的首都維爾紐斯辦事處將使用「臺灣」一詞,而不是「中華臺北」——這是其他國家經常使用的一個術語,以免冒犯北京。
[编辑]- TPE (縮寫)
[编辑]- TPE (縮寫)
[编辑]- Chinese Taipei at Google Ngram Viewer