beat one's meat





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beat one's meat (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 beats one's meat,現在分詞 beating one's meat,過去式 beat one's meat,過去分詞 beaten one's meat beat one's meat)

  1. (俚語粗俗一般指男性) 自慰(摩擦擼動陰莖
    • 1948, Psychiatric quarterly (New York State Dept. of Mental Hygiene), 卷 22,頁號 243:
      I beat my meat instead of having intercourse.
    • 1967, American Academy of Psychotherapists, Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy,頁號 41:
      7. Is masturbation harmful? Does it cause acne, etc.?
      8. How does a girl beat her meat?
      7. 自慰對身體有害嗎?會導致青春痘之類的嗎?
      8. 女生怎麼自慰
    • 1977, Buzzcocks, Orgasm Addict:
      You get in a heat, you get in a sulk
      But you still keep a-beating your meat to pulp
      And you're an orgasm addict,
  2. (俚語粗俗引申) 浪費時間;幹沒用的事情
    • 1991, William Barton, Michael Capobianco, Fellow Traveler, Spectra, →ISBN:
      He had had the theory that all this space stuff was just the Soviet Union beating its meat, shooting off into space. Other than that he couldn't imagine the slightest use for it all. Space was, after all, space — with nothing in it.
