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英語 adjectives that are not inflected to display different degrees of comparison.
頂 – A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- A-1
- a1
- aa
- abathochroal
- Abaza
- abducted
- abductive
- abelianised
- abelianized
- abiotic
- abiuret
- abjected
- Abkhasian
- Abkhaz
- abl.
- ablative
- aborted
- above-board
- aboveboard
- above-cited
- above-mentioned
- abrase
- absent
- absolutionary
- abyssal
- Abyssinian
- ac
- a cappella
- acclimatized
- accompanied
- accoutred
- achieved
- acinar
- acquaint
- acquisite
- additional
- adj.
- adjacent
- adjutant
- ad nauseam
- adornable
- Aegiptian
- Ægyptian
- afoot
- aforementioned
- Afrikaans
- Afro-American
- agglomerant
- AI-complete
- aight
- aiguisé
- Ainu
- air-cooled
- air-dry
- air-to-ground
- Akan
- a la carte
- à la carte
- a la mode
- Alban
- Aleut
- Aleutian
- alicyclic
- alight
- alimental
- aliquot
- alkylboronic
- all-around
- allative
- all bark and no bite
- all ears
- all in
- all-in-one
- all-knowing
- all-night
- all-or-nothing
- allotropic
- all-over
- all-purpose
- all-you-can-eat
- alphabetical
- alphanumeric
- alpinist
- altered
- aluminised
- aluminized
- alveolar
- amassed
- amic
- ammoniacal
- amniotic
- amphibious
- amphidromic
- amphidromous
- amphisphaeriaceous
- amplifiable
- amputated
- anaplerotic
- anarcho-syndicalist
- anatomic
- anatomical
- aneroid
- angiological
- Angolan
- Anguillan
- Annamese
- Annamite
- annular
- anodised
- antebellum
- anthraquinonesulfonic
- anthropometrical
- anticyclonic
- antifouling
- antijamming
- antimonic
- antipoverty
- antireversion
- antispam
- antitrust
- anti-vax
- antivax
- anti-vaxx
- antivaxx
- anytime
- A-one
- aorist
- Apennine
- aphonic
- aphrodisiac
- apo
- apostate
- appellant
- appellate
- applied
- appropriated
- approx
- approx.
- Arabic
- Aramaean
- Argentine
- Argentinian
- argumentless
- armatureless
- armed
- around the clock
- around-the-clock
- arrabbiata
- arrested
- Aruban
- arylboronic
- asea
- Ashokan
- Asian Indian
- askance
- ass
- assailant
- Assyrian
- astrologic
- astronautic
- astronautical
- asymptomatic
- async
- atrial
- attacking