
dog days






仿譯拉丁語 diēs caniculārēs (小狗),仿譯自古希臘語 κυνάδες ἡμέραι (kunádes hēmérai, 狗之日)[1]源自κυνάς (kunás, 狗的,與狗有關的),源自Κῠ́ων (Kúōn, ),此處的「狗」指天狼星,在荷馬希臘語中作「獵戶座之犬」。[2]天狼星偕日升時(在古雅典和古羅馬分別為7月25日和7月29日)被視為是一年中最熱、最不健康、最不幸運的時節。[3]





dog days  (一般為複數,單數 dog day)

  1. (古舊) 天狼星偕日升的時節,現代指八月初(具體時間隨緯度有變)
    近義詞:(古舊) canicular days
  2. 三伏天,一年中最的時節
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], 「Ayre Rectified. With a Digression of the Ayre.」, 出自 The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd版, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition 2, section 2, member 3,214:
      Why ſhould thoſe Eteſian and Eaſterne winds blow cōtinually in ſome places, at ſet times, one way ſtill, in the dog dayes only: heere perpetuall drought, there dropping ſhowres; [...]
    • 2013 August 17, "A Rickety Rebound" in The Economist, Vol. 408, No. 8849:
      The dog days of August have often spelled trouble for the world economy.
  3. 使人感到遲鈍怠惰的時節
    • 1993, Billboard (volume 105, number 24, page 62)
      The two-cassette miniseries, produced by Oliver Stone, arrives in early August, in time to stir the dog days of summer rentals.



歷史上,「dog days」的期間是依據大犬座天狼星小犬座南河三偕日升的時間來推斷的。這個時間隨緯度有變,且不適用於南半球。[3] 天狼星兩次偕日升之間的間隔大概是365¼日,和儒略曆一致,但和現代通用的格里高利曆有差別。因此「dog days」的期間從7月3日到8月15日不等,大概會有30-61天。[3]16世紀英格蘭認定的「dog daies」為7月7日至9月5日。[4][5]有些現代曆書會將「dog daies」定為7月3日至8月11日,[6]以天狼星偕日升之日作為其結尾,而非開始。


  1. "dog day[永久失效連結]" on Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. κῠ́ων Ὠρίωνος (kúōn Ōríōnos),在《伊利亞特》中作賓格省略形κύν᾽ Ὠρίωνος (Iliad XXII.22)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 dog day, n.」,OED Online Paid subscription required,Oxford, Oxfordshire:Oxford University Press,launched 2000年; 「dog days」,LexicoDictionary.com; Oxford University Press,2019–present年.
  4. The Table and Kalendar...」 in The Boke of Common Prayer... (1552), London: Edward Whytchurche.
  5. The Table and Kalendar...」 in The Boke of Common Praier... (1559), London: Richard Grafton.
  6. Dog Days Begin」 in The Old Farmer's Almanac (2017), Dublin, N.H.: Yankee Publishing.

