




16世纪中叶,en- +‎ trench



entrench (第三人称单数简单现在时 entrenches,现在分词 entrenching,一般过去时及过去分词 entrenched) (及物不及物)

  1. (建设考古学)壕沟
  2. (军事) 将...用壕沟围起来,用壕沟防守
    The army entrenched its camp, or entrenched itself.
    军队用军营周围挖了壕沟 军队用壕沟进行防守
  3. (比喻义) 稳固地位
    Senator Cornpone was able to entrench by spending millions on each campaign.
    • 2009, Andrew B. Fisher, Matthew O'Hara, “Forward”, 出自 Imperial Subjects: Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America,页号 4:
      Given these entrenched ideological assumptions about the colonial order, it is no wonder that the state and those groups with an interest in the status quo viewed with suspicion and hostility any challenges to the fixed and "natural" boundaries between different sorts of people.
    • 2013 9月 28, Kenan Malik, “London Is Special, but Not That Special”, 出自 New York Times, retrieved 28 September 2013:
      For London to have its own exclusive immigration policy would exacerbate the sense that immigration benefits only certain groups and disadvantages the rest. It would entrench the gap between London and the rest of the nation. And it would widen the breach between the public and the elite that has helped fuel anti-immigrant hostility.
  4. 入侵占领抢占擅闯 常带onupon
  5. (比喻义) 墨守成规顽固不化
