




借自教会拉丁语 conversus


conversus (复数 conversi)

  1. (主要用于历史) 平信徒兄弟
    • 1856, Edward L. Cutts, “The Monks of the Middle Ages”, 出自 The Art-Journal, 卷 2,页号s 342–3:
      There were again the Novices, who were not all necessarily young, for a conversus passed through a noviciate; and even a monk of another order, or of another house of their own order, and even a monk from a cell of their own house, was reckoned among the novices.
    • 1874, Edmund Sharpe, The Architecture of the Cistercians, 卷 2,页号 9:
      The Conversi were, in fact, the servants of the Monks; or, as the chronicler more mildly phrases it, the Monks were the head and the Conversi were the arms of the conventual body.
    • 1995, Jennifer Carpenter, “Juette of Huy, Recluse and Mother []”, 出自 Power of the Weak: Studies on Medieval Women, →ISBN页号 74:
      A story in the early thirteenth-century vita of Arnulf (d. 1228), a conversus who was Abundus’s confrere at Villers, offers us some insight into the kind of relationship Juette and Abundus may have had: []



convertō 的完成时被动分词。


conversus (阴性 conversa,中性 conversum); 第一/第二类变格 分词

  1. 的;过来的;后退的;旋转的;颠倒的;转换


第一/第二类变格 adjective。

单数 复数
格 / 性 阳性 阴性 中性 阳性 阴性 中性
主格 conversus conversa conversum conversī conversae conversa
属格 conversī conversae conversī conversōrum conversārum conversōrum
与格 conversō conversō conversīs
宾格 conversum conversam conversum conversōs conversās conversa
夺格 conversō conversā conversō conversīs
呼格 converse conversa conversum conversī conversae conversa


  • conversus in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • conversus在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁语-法语详解词典), Hachette中的内容
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (模糊)what follows has been translated into Latin from Plato's Phaedo: ex Platonis Phaedone haec in latinum conversa sunt
    • (模糊)the work when translated; translation (concrete): liber (scriptoris) conversus, translatus