





Two laughing girls from Ghazni Province, Afghanistan

源自拉丁語 exhilarāre (使...高兴,使...欢快),源自ex- (出,离)(源自原始印歐語 *h₁eǵʰs ()) + hilarārehilarō (鼓舞,使...高兴)的现在时不定式,源自hilaris (愉快的,轻松的,活泼的)(源自古希臘語 ἱλαρός (hilarós, 高兴的,愉快的),源自ἵλαος (hílaos, 亲切的,吉祥的),源自原始印歐語 *sōlh₂- (宽慰,宽容))。





exhilarate (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 exhilarates,現在分詞 exhilarating,一般過去時及過去分詞 exhilarated)

  1. (及物) 振奋鼓舞,使...开心
    Good news exhilarates the mind; wine exhilarates the drinker.
    • 1605, Francis Bacon, The Tvvoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the Proficience and Aduancement of Learning, Diuine and Humane. To the King, book II, London: Printed [by Thomas Purfoot and Thomas Creede] for Henrie Tomes, and are to be sould at his shop at Graies Inne Gate in Holborne, →OCLC頁號 37, recto:
      For the Philiſtian preſcribeth Cures of the minde in Phrenſies, and melancholy Paſsions; and pretendeth alſo to exhibite Medicines to exhilarate the minde, to confirme the courage, to clarifie the wits, to corroborate the memorie, and the like; but the ſcruples and ſuperſtitions of Diet, and other Regiment of the body in the ſect of the Pythagoreans, in the Hereſy of the Manicheas, and in the Lawe of Mahumes doe exceede; []
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], “Musicke a Remedy”, 出自 The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd版, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition 2, section 2, member 6, subsection 3,頁號 276:
      Any and ſundry are the meanes, which Philoſophers and Phyſicians haue preſcribed to exhilarate a ſorrowfull heart, to diuert thoſe fixed and intent cares and meditations, which in this malady ſo much offend; but in my judgement none ſo preſent, none ſo powerfull, none ſo [a]ppoſite as a cup of ſtrong drinke, mirth, muſicke, and merry company.
    • 1838 11月 1, Charles Dickens, “XV. Mrs. Charles Dickens.”, 出自 Life, Letters, and Speeches of Charles Dickens with Biographical Sketches of the Principal Illustrators of Dickens’s Works: Illustrated with Engravings on Steel: In Two Volumes, 卷 I, Boston, Mass., New York, N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company; The Riverside Press Cambridge [Mass.], 出版於 1894, →OCLC頁號 118:
      I slept soundly, and without feeling the least uneasiness, and am a great deal better this morning; neither do I find that the henbane has affected my head, which,源自the great effect it had on me,—exhilarating me to the most extraordinary degree, and yet keeping me sleepy,—I feared it would.
    • 1843 June, “Art. XI. The Highlands, The Scottish Martyrs, and Other Poems. By the Rev. James G. Small. Edin. Whyte & Co.”, 出自 The Monthly Review (New and Improved Series), 卷 II, 期 II, London: G. Henderson, 2, Old Bailey, Ludgate-Hill, →OCLC頁號 235:
      It is now for us to say, that with very considerable powers of fancy, and a deep feeling of enthusiasm, he [James G. Small] has described the scenes of his romantic rambles, and recorded the historical or traditional events for which he cherishes such a warm veneration, in song that by turns exhilarates, captivates, and melts; and that will especially arouse Scotland's associations.
    • 1978, Michael Stewart, “The Light that Failed: April 1966 – June 1970”, 出自 Politics & Economic Policy in the UK since 1964: The Jekyll & Hyde Years, Oxford: Pergamon Press, →ISBN頁號 64:
      Returning to their desks at the beginning of April 1966, exhilarated by the size of the Labour majority, Ministers found that there had been no improvement in the economic outlook while they had been away; indeed it had grown worse.
  2. (及物) 使...激动
    • 1856, Joel Pinney, “The Effects of Alcoholic Liquors, and the Customs of Drinking and Inebriety”, 出自 The Duration of Human Life and Its Three Eras: When Men Attained to More than Nine Hundred Years of Age; when They Attained to Only Four Hundred and Fifty; when They Reached to Only Threescore Years and Ten; Shewing the Probable Causes and Material Agents that have Shortened the Lives of the Human Race, and the Barriers that Prevent a Return to the Longevity of the Early Patriarchs, London: Longman & Co., →OCLC頁號 116:
      [A]lcohol, as all the world knows, or should know, does not nourish, but only stimulates,—exhilarates if you will, but exhilarates as fire exhilarates! Would carbon or any other combustible exhilarate only to burn up, consume, and destroy?
    • 1932, Dorothy L Sayers, Have his Carcase, Chapter 12.
      Harriet became suddenly conscious that every woman in the room was gazing furtively or with frank interest at Wimsey and herself, and the knowledge exhilarated her.














  1. exhilarō第二人稱複數現在時主動態命令式