[编辑]源自拉丁語 hilaritas (“开心”),形容词hilaris,最终源自古希腊语 + 状态名词后缀-tas。
[编辑]hilarity (可數 和 不可數,複數 hilarities)
- (不可數) 欢喜,欢乐,欢笑
- The duck escaped into the children's party, and hilarity ensued.
- (請為本使用例添加中文翻譯)
- (可數) 让人开心的事物
- 1999, Vincent Canby, Janet Maslin, Peter M. Nichols, The New York times guide to the best 1000 movies ever made:
- Think it not curious if we don't seem to be as sidesplittingly impressed with the hilarities in this picture as its promotion might lead you to expect. Hilarity is in it—hilarity at its best—as would be almost mandatory in any film with Miss Holliday.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 2005, Library journal, 第 130 卷, 第 8-13 期s,第 122 頁:
- Many other Latin imports have become staples of our diet, like the burrito, which in Spanish means "little donkey." What other food-related hilarities are we missing out on?
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)