





Japanese simultaneous interpreter and translator Eriko Sekiya in an NHK Radio studio, from which she broadcasts (verb sense 3) a programme on introductory business English
Paddy being broadcast (verb sense 4) or sown by hand in Chaudwar, Odisha, India

broad +‎ cast





broadcast (比較級 more broadcast最高級 most broadcast)

  1. 的,到處灑的
    • 1744, William Ellis, “Of White Oats”, 出自 The Modern Husbandman: Or, The Practice of Farming: As it is Now Carried On by the Most Accurate Farmers in Several Counties of England. For the Month of April. [...], Dublin: Printed by and for George Faulkner, →OCLC頁號s 48–49:
      And ſuch a double Sowing is of the greateſt Importance; for on the thick Growth of a Crop very much depends on the Bigneſs of it at Harveſt, becauſe, by ſuch a thick Growth, the Weeds are overcome and kept down from hurting the Oats; and, likewiſe, the Heats and Droughts kept the better out from parching up the Roots of the Oats, which, in too thin a Crop, often prove fatal to it; for, when Oats are ſown in the random or broadcaſt Way, there is no more Mold allowed their Roots than what the Harrows and Roll give them; which, at beſt, is but a ſuperficial and moſt thin Covering, and, therefore, the more liable to ſuffer by Droughts, which is different from the Way of ſowing Oats in Drills.
    • 1923, Song Ong Siang, “The Tenth Decade (1909–19):第一段”, 出自 One Hundred Years’ History of the Chinese in Singapore: [], London: John Murray, [], →OCLC頁號 444:
      They alleged that, as soon as the Opium Commission was appointed, the various anti-opium organisations began to be extremely active and a determined campaign was carried on against the use of the drug by the circulation of a mass of anti-opium literature and the broadcast distribution of handbills and pamphlets.
    • 1931 June, M. A. Mattoon, “Application of Methods to Minimize Human Risks and Physical Dangers”, 出自 Fire Handbook: Region Seven: United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC頁號 8:
      There must be action on and participation in broadcast methods of public education, face to face, in groups, or by use of the mails. This, however, is of secondary importance to the man-to-man job of education in care with fire in the woods.
  2. 通過電磁波傳輸
    • 1946, Ch[arles]-M[arie] Widor, Edward Suddard, transl., “Percussion Instruments”, 出自 The Technique of the Modern Orchestra: A Manual of Practical Instrumentation, rev. and new版, London: Joseph Wiliams Limited, 29, Enford Street, Marylebone, W.1, →OCLC; reprinted Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2005, →ISBN頁號 208:
      For radio-transmission it has been found that certain passages of a rhythmical nature come out more clearly if wooden-headed sticks are used. The Timpani sometimes tend to sound blurred and even to have a blurring effect on the rest of the orchestral ensemble in broadcast music, when ordinary soft sticks are used in a strongly marked rhythm.
  3. 通過電磁波傳輸訊息信號的;廣播
    • 2013年11月14日, Alina Selyukh, “U.S. FCC eases foreign investment limit for broadcast stations”, 出自 Reuters[1],於16 August 2017歸檔自原頁面:
      The new limitations would still prohibit foreigners from wholly or directly owning broadcast licensees, allowing only indirect ownership through a stake in a controlling parent of a broadcast licensee.





broadcast (比較級 more broadcast最高級 most broadcast)

  1. 廣佈
    • 1864年1月15日, J[oseph] B[enjamin] Polley, “Some ‘Escape’ Stories”, 出自 A Soldier’s Letters to Charming Nellie, New York, N.Y., Washington, D.C.: The Neale Publishing Company, 出版於 1908, →OCLC頁號 195:
      [O]n reporting to Captain Thrasher he informed me that his orders were to take a detachment of forty men across the French Broad River and turn them loose to wander broadcast over the country as a protection to foraging parties of quartermasters and commissaries, []
    • 1885, Honoré de Balzac, [Katherine Prescott Wormeley, transl.], “The Illustrious Gaudissart [Scenes from Provincial Life.]”, 出自 The Duchesse de Langeais: With An Episode under the Terror, The Illustrious Gaudissart, A Passion in the Desert, and The Hidden Masterpiece (The Comedy of Human Life), Boston, Mass.: Roberts Brothers, 3 Somerset Street, →OCLC, chapter I,頁號 217:
      The commercial traveller, a personage unknown to antiquity, is one of the striking figures created by the manners and customs of our present epoch. [] Our century will bind the realm of isolated power, abounding as it does in creative genius, to the realm of universal but levelling might; equalizing all products, spreading them broadcast among the masses, and being itself controlled by the principle of unity,—the final expression of all societies.
    • 1913, F[rank] H[urlbut] Chittenden, “Protection of the Fall Crop and Seed Potatoes”, 出自 The Potato-tuber Moth (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Bulletin; no. 557), Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC頁號 6:
      A special letter of warning against the ravages of the potato-tuber moth in the shape of a press notice has been sent broadcast to newspapers, as well as to others, throughout the country.
  2. (農業園藝學) 種子廣泛撒播



broadcast (複數 broadcasts)

  1. 廣播
    • 1961 May 9, Newton Minow, "Television and the Public Interest":
      No one knows how long it will be until a broadcast from a studio in New York will be viewed in India as well as in Indiana, will be seen in the Congo as it is seen in Chicago. But as surely as we are meeting here today, that day will come; and once again our world will shrink.
    • 2017年8月13日, Benjamin Haas, “Radio silence: 24-hour broadcast of BBC World Service dropped in Hong Kong: After four decades in the former British colony, BBC World Service is to be mostly replaced with China’s state radio channel”, 出自 The Guardian[2], London,於16 August 2017歸檔自原頁面:
      After nearly 40 years of continuous broadcast in Hong Kong, a 24-hour transmission of the BBC World Service will go silent in the former British colony, replaced with programming from China's state radio channel. The move by Radio Television Hong Kong, owned by the local government, was meant to "enhance the cultural exchange between the mainland and Hong Kong", a spokesman said.
  2. 廣播節目
    The DJ was feeling nervous before his first national broadcast.
    • 1943, Wilfrid H. Pettitt, Nine Girls: A Play in Prologue and Two Acts, Chicago, Ill.: The Dramatic Publishing Company, →OCLC; 再版 Woodstock, Ill.: The Dramatic Publishing Company, 1971, →ISBN, Act I, scene i,頁號s 15–16:
      We interrupt this broadcast at the request of the police department to bring you the following special bulletin: The dead body of Miss Paula Canfield, missing student at Westlake University and daughter of the multi-millionaire Harold Canfield, has been found in the Arroyo Seco near the Colorado Street Bridge.
    • 1958, Robert T. Holt, “Introduction”, 出自 Radio Free Europe, Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, →OCLC頁號 3:
      Radio Free Europe was established by a group of private citizens in December 1949, for the purpose of conducting a propaganda campaign against six Communist-dominated satellites in central and eastern Europe. [] Its program consisted of daily half-hour broadcasts, first to Czechoslovakia and then to Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, and Albania.
      自由歐洲電台於1949年12月由私人團體建立,用於對中東歐的六個蘇聯衛星國進行政治宣傳。 [] 電台節目包括每天半小時的(對外宣傳)廣播節目,首先是對捷克斯洛伐克,後來擴展到匈牙利、波蘭、保加利亞、羅馬尼亞和阿爾巴尼亞。
  3. (農業園藝學) 種子廣泛撒播
    • 1785, W. Belcher, “Observations on Lucerne”, 出自 Arthur Young (agriculturist) 編, Annals of Agriculture, and Other Useful Arts, 卷 III, 期 18, London: Printed for the editor, and sold by H. Goldney, No. 15, Paternoster-Row, →OCLC頁號 433:
      Since my laſt, I went to ſee a piece of Daniel Fitch's, of Pluckley, Kent. He has two acres of broadcaſt, the oldeſt I have ever ſeen, ſown twenty years ago with barley, like clover.
    • 1807, “BARLEY”, 出自 The Complete Farmer; or, General Dictionary of Agriculture and Husbandry: Comprehending the Most Improved Methods of Cultivation; the Different Modes of Raising Timber, Fruit, and Other Trees; and the Modern Management of Live-stock: With Descriptions of the Most Approved Implements, Machinery, and Farm-buildings, 5th wholly re-written and enlarged版, London: Printed by Rider and Weed, Little Britain, for R. Baldwin [et al.], →OCLC,列號 2:
      It was stated by Mr. Miller, that the common method was, formerly, to sow the barley-seed with a broadcast at two sowings; the first being harrowed in once, but the second not until the seed is buried; []





broadcast (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 broadcasts,現在分詞 broadcasting,一般過去時及過去分詞 broadcast broadcasted)

  1. (及物) 廣播
    • 1927年6月1日, Franklin W. Dixon [pseudonym: Leslie McFarlane], “A Surprise”, 出自 The Tower Treasure (The Hardy Boys; no. 1), New York, N.Y.: Grosset & Dunlap, →OCLC:
      When the boys reached the business section of Bayport they found that Jackley's confession had already become known. The local radio station had broadcast it in the afternoon news program and people everywhere were discussing it.
    • 1967 January, “Four Avenues of Service”, 出自 Adventure in Service (Pamphlet [Rotary International]; 52), Evanston, Ill., Zurich: Rotary International, →OCLC頁號 69:
      Practicing vocational service to the limit of one's vision makes a difference whether an employer regards his employees as "robots or human beings"; it makes a difference in the kind of advertisements he publishes or broadcasts; it makes a difference how he reacts under pressure from a competitor; it makes a difference in the quality of his service.
    • 1999 February, Stephen King, “Act 3”, 出自 Storm of the Century, trade paperback版, New York, N.Y.: Pocket Books, →ISBN頁號 175:
      The TV is broadcasting a FUZZY PICTURE that shows the weatherman from WVII, the Bango ABC affiliate.
    • 2005, Robert E. Bartholomew, “Introduction”, 出自 H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells, The War of the Worlds, New York, N.Y.: Cosimo Books, →ISBN頁號 8:
      The state of Rhode Island was the scene, on October 30, 1974, of yet another scare involving an adaptation of The War of the Worlds. Broadcast on radio station WPRO, Providence, the drama frightened listeners across the state. The play began with reporters covering a "meteor crash" near Jamestown, the purported Martian landing site. [] City fire stations and other radio and TV outlets reported being inundated with inquiries from anxious callers, as was WPRO, which received more than a hundred calls.
    • 2013年11月15日, “Shakespeare broadcast direct into schools for first time”, 出自 ITV News[3],於13 June 2017歸檔自原頁面:
      The Royal Shakespeare Company will today become the first theatre in the UK to broadcast Shakespeare direct into schools. A production of Richard II, starring David Tennant in the title role, is going to be streamed free of charge into classrooms up and down the country.
  2. (及物)訊息傳播到廣大地區;(尤指)一次性將同一封電郵發給許多人
    • [1934], Joseph Stalin, “The October Revolution and the National Question”, 出自 The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles & Speeches (Marxist Library), London: Martin Lawrence, →OCLC, section III (The International Importance of the October Revolution),頁號s 15–16:
      The break with imperialism and the liberation of Russia from the predatory war, the publication of the secret treaties and the solemn abrogation of the policy of seizing foreign soil, the proclamation of national freedom and the recognition of the independence of Finland, the declaration of Russia as a "Federation of Soviet National Republics" and the militant battle-cry of a resolute struggle against imperialism broadcast all over the world by the Soviet government in millions of pamphlets, newspapers, and leaflets in the mother tongues of the peoples of the East and West—all this could not fail to have its effect on the enslaved East and the bleeding West.
    • 2014, Greg[ory J.] Monette, The Wrong Jesus: Fact, Belief, Legend, Truth … Making Sense of What You’ve Heard, Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress in alliance with Tyndale House Publishers, →ISBN頁號 178:
      However, truth and lies can usually be confirmed or denied by speaking with eyewitnesses of events in order to verify what took place. The amount of time separating the event in question from when it was broadcasted also makes a difference.
    • 2016, Richard A. Moran, “That Permanent Record”, 出自 The Thing about Work: Showing Up and Other Important Matters: A Worker’s Manual, Brookline, Mass.: Bibliomotion, →ISBN:
      Urban legend has it that someone is monitoring all those e-mails broadcast from your work address. Hard to imagine a more boring job but the truth is, and I shouldn't have to tell people this, the record of those e-mails is in a server somewhere and it can be monitored.
  3. (不及物) 作客廣播節目
    • 2009, Sian Morgan, “Françoise Dolto: A Biography”, 出自 Theory and Practice in Child Psychoanalysis: An Introduction to the Work of Françoise Dolto, London: Karnac Books, →ISBN頁號 22:
      She [Françoise Dolto] is most well known in France for her broadcasts on France-Inter, Lorsque l'enfant parait; she broadcasted for twelve minutes every day of the week for two years, answering parents' questions.
  4. (及物農業園藝學) 廣泛撒播種子



過去式和過去分詞可用 broadcastbroadcasted,但 broadcast 更常用。截止2019年,Google Books 給出326,000個有關 "was broadcast"的結果,而"was broadcasted"的結果為12,900個。









