
drive home




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drive home (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 drives home,現在分詞 driving home,過去式 drove home,過去分詞 driven home)

  1. (及物) 强行用力将...放入某处
    • 1969, James Plunkett, Strumpet City,頁號 396:
      He grunted as he drove each nail home.
    • 1996, Harry Harrison, One King's Way,頁號 186:
      Karli shook himself, drove home the last nail with a flat stone, straightened up.
    • 2004, Judith Tarr, Queen of the Amazons,頁號 293:
      Just as Ione began to slow, she struck Ione's sword aside and drove her own blade home.
  2. (比喻義及物)有力示范强调,让...深入人心,让...入木三分
    • Template:RQ:Wharton House of Mirth
    • Template:RQ:Woolf Night and Day
    • 2021 6月 14, Mark Landler, “Boris Johnson’s ‘Global Britain’ Makes Shaky Start at G7 Summit”, 出自 The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
      The urgent need for vaccines was driven home by the expected postponement on Monday of Britain’s plan to reopen, caused by the spread of a variant known as Delta among the unvaccinated population.
  3. 仅按字面意思,并无比喻或俗语义;参见drivehome开车回家
    He decided not to drive home right away.
    He was afraid he would doze off on the long drive home.
