make tick




make tick (第三人称单数简单现在时 makes tick,现在分词 making tick,一般过去时及过去分词 made tick)

  1. (口语) 让...变成现在这样
    • 2005, Cherie Priest, Four and Twenty Blackbirds, →ISBN,页号 91:
      I honestly don't know the specifics that make him tick, and I wish I did.
    • 2012, Kevin Seamus Hasson, The Right to Be Wrong: Ending the Culture War Over Religion in America, →ISBN:
      Most of us find ourselves caught in the middle, ducking for cover and wondering just who these people are and what could possibly make them tick.
    • 2013, Betty Lussier, Intrepid Woman: Betty Lussier's Secret War, 1942-1945, →ISBN:
      I wanted to roam the world, exploring what made it tick, helping to make it tick better, and never get married.
  2. 仅按字面意思,并无比喻或俗语义;参见maketick