make a pass




make a pass (第三人称单数简单现在时 makes a pass,现在分词 making a pass,一般过去时及过去分词 made a pass) [+ at (宾语)]

  1. 表示想和...性交
    He clumsily made a pass at the prom queen, and she responded with a scowl.
    • 1926, Dorothy Parker, “News Item”, 出自 Enough Rope页号 85:
      Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses.
    • 1985, Joel Schumacher, Carl Kurlander, St. Elmo's Fire (motion picture), 角色 Julianna "Jules" Van Patten(Demi Moore):
      You know, all those nights we stayed up talking…How come you never made a pass at me?
