draw a blank




draw a blank (第三人称单数简单现在时 draws a blank,现在分词 drawing a blank,过去式 drew a blank,过去分词 drawn a blank)

  1. (俗语) 想不起来
    I should know that person's name, but I'm drawing a blank.
  2. (俗语) 找不到,一无所获
    • 1856, Lucius Manlius Sargent, Dealings with the Dead, 卷 2,页号 472:
      "Oh," she replied, "when I came to think of it, I saw, that you were right. I thought, 'twas quite likely it [the lottery ticket] would draw a blank. [] "
    • 2022, Ling Ma, “Office Hours”, 出自 Bliss Montage, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, →ISBN:
      When she brainstormed about what else she would do, where else she would go, her mind drew a blank.
