








源自duellum,頭音由 duellumbellum(對比duisbis)。



bellum n (属格 bellī); 第二类变格

  1. 戰爭
    Si omnes opinionibus pugnent non sint bella.
    If everyone should fight for their own convictions there would be no war.


單數 複數
主格 bellum bella
屬格 bellī bellōrum
與格 bellō bellīs
賓格 bellum bella
奪格 bellō bellīs
呼格 bellum bella
  • 英語: antebellum, postbellum



bellus (漂亮的)的變格形。




  1. bellus主格中性單數
  2. bellus賓格陽性單數
  3. bellus賓格中性單數
  4. bellus呼格中性單數


  • bellum in Charlton T. Lewis & Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879
  • bellum”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • bellum在Charles du Fresne du Cange的Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • bellum在Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français (拉丁語-法語詳解詞典), Hachette中的內容
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (模糊)to threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war: minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellum
    • (模糊)to threaten war, carnage: denuntiare bellum, caedem (Sest. 20. 46)
    • (模糊)a religious war: bellum pro religionibus susceptum
    • (模糊)men exempt from service owing to age: qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutiles
    • (模糊)to charge some one with the conduct of a war: praeficere aliquem bello gerendo
    • (模糊)the command-in-chief: summa belli, imperii (B. G. 2. 4. 7)
    • (模糊)to make preparations for war: bellum parare
    • (模糊)preparations for war; war-material: apparatus (rare in plur.) belli
    • (模糊)to make formal declaration of war: bellum indīcere, denuntiare
    • (模糊)a regular, formal war: bellum iustum (pium)
    • (模糊)a civil war: bellum intestinum, domesticum (opp. bellum externum)
    • (模糊)to cause a war: bellum facere, movere, excitare
    • (模糊)to kindle a war: bellum conflare (Fam. 5. 2. 8)
    • (模糊)to meditate war: bellum moliri
    • (模糊)to commence hostilities: bellum incipere, belli initium facere (B. G. 7. 1. 5)
    • (模糊)to interfere in a war: bello se interponere (Liv. 35. 48)
    • (模糊)to be involved in a war: bello implicari
    • (模糊)to begin a war with some one: bellum cum aliquo inire
    • (模糊)a war is imminent: bellum impendet, imminet, instat
    • (模糊)war breaks out: bellum oritur, exardescit
    • (模糊)everywhere the torch of war is flaming: omnia bello flagrant or ardent (Fam. 4. 1. 2)
    • (模糊)to make war on a person: bellum gerere cum aliquo
    • (模糊)to wage war in conjunction with some one: bellum coniungere (Imp. Pomp. 9. 26)
    • (模糊)to protract, prolong a war: bellum ducere, trahere, extrahere
    • (模糊)to carry on a war energetically: omni studio in (ad) bellum incumbere
    • (模糊)to invade: bellum inferre alicui (Att. 9. 1. 3)
    • (模糊)to be the aggressor in a war; to act on the offensive: bellum or arma ultro inferre
    • (模糊)to act on the defensive: bellum (inlatum) defendere
    • (模糊)to go to war, commence a campaign: proficisci ad bellum, in expeditionem (Sall. Iug. 103)
    • (模糊)to send to the war: mittere ad bellum
    • (模糊)to have the control of the war: bellum administrare
    • (模糊)to harass with war: bello persequi aliquem, lacessere
    • (模糊)to put an end to war: belli finem facere, bellum finire
    • (模糊)to terminate a war (by force of arms and defeat of one's opponents): bellum conficere, perficere
    • (模糊)to terminate a war (by a treaty, etc.: bellum componere (Fam. 10. 33)
    • (模糊)to transfer the seat of war elsewhere: bellum transferre alio, in...
    • (模糊)the seat of war, theatre of operations: belli sedes (Liv. 4. 31)
    • (模糊)to change one's tactics: rationem belli gerendi mutare (Liv. 32. 31)
    • (模糊)to triumph over some one: triumphare de aliquo (ex bellis)