






源自a- +‎ miss





amiss (比較級 more amiss最高級 most amiss)

  1. (主要用於表語) 不对的,错误
    He suspected something was amiss.
    Something amiss in the arrangements had distracted the staff.
    • 1722, William Wollaston, The Religion of Nature Delineated:
      His wisdom and virtue cannot always rectify that which is amiss in himself or his circumstances.
    • 1836, Charles Joseph La Trobe, The Rambler in Mexico:
      Moreover, all were furnished with carbines and cartridge boxes, and the leader was armed with a sabre with a leather sheath. This was not so much amiss, and would do very well at a distance: but during the two hours' halt at the village aforesaid, I took it into my head, while the owners were enjoying their siesta under the shade of the gateway, just to stride in among them, and take a nearer inspection of the weapons.
    • 2009, Robert Perrucci, Carolyn Cummings Perrucci, America at Risk: The Crisis of Hope, Trust, and Caring:
      There is a strong feeling across the land that something is amiss in America. You sometimes hear about these feelings when people discuss their concerns about how the baby boom generation is going to bankrupt our social security or Medicare programs, or about the growing size of the national debt that will be paid for by future generations.





amiss (不可比)

  1. (古舊) 错误
    • Template:RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice
    • 1856, J. W. Redhouse, An English and Turkish Dictionary[1],頁號 xxvi:
      We shall not do amiss to notice, also, that in ordinary conversation, a few words are used as Turkish singulars, which are, in reality, Arabic plurals; but this is not correct in writing.
    • 1899, The Laxdaela Saga (translated by Muriel A. C. Press) Chapter 44
      Then Hrefna said she would coif herself with it, and Thurid said she had better, and Hrefna did so. When Kalf saw that he gave her to understand that she had done amiss; and bade her take it off at her swiftest. "For that is the one thing that we, Kjartan and I, do not own in common."
  2. 走错路地
  3. 瑕疵



amiss (複數 amisses)

  1. (棄用) 错误坏事



