- Abney level
- abscissa
- abyssal plain
- acclivity
- accordion
- accuracy
- achromatic lens
- actinometer
- aerial photograph
- aerial reconnaissance
- aeronautical chart
- aerotriangulation
- aftershock
- albedometer
- alluvial fan
- altimetry
- altitude
- aneroid barometer
- angle of depression
- angle of elevation
- angle of yaw
- angular momentum
- angular velocity
- animated mapping
- annual parallax
- anomalistic period
- anticlinorium
- aperture
- aplanatism
- apoapsis
- apocenter
- apochromatic lens
- apogee
- apparent noon
- apparent place
- apparent sidereal time
- apparent solar day
- apparent sun
- apparent time
- apsis
- arc measurement
- argentometer
- argument of latitude
- array camera
- art paper
- asthenosphere
- astrodynamics
- astrograph
- astrography
- astronomical clock
- astronomical tide
- astronomical time
- astronomical transit
- astronomical unit
- astrophotometry
- atlas
- atmospheric correction
- atmospheric drag
- atmospheric noise
- atmospheric window
- atomic clock
- atomic time
- attitude
- autocollimation
- average error
- azimuthal projection
- back bearing
- balancing
- ball and socket joint
- bar magnet
- barograph
- barometric altimeter
- baroswitch
- barrier
- barycenter
- basal plane
- base ratio
- base station
- baseline
- beacon
- beam splitter
- benchmark
- berth
- Besselian elements
- Besselian year
- binocular vision
- black body
- black-body radiation
- block diagram
- blue line
- Bouguer anomaly
- Bouguer gravity
- braided stream
- branch line
- bubble sextant
- bundle adjustment
- buoy
- cadastral map
- cadastral survey
- calendar month
- calorimeter
- camera angle
- carrier wave
- Cartesian coordinates
- cartograph
- cartography
- cartridge paper
- catchment area
- catchment basin
- catenary
- cathode
- cathode ray tube
- catoptric system
- cavity resonator
- celestial body
- celestial geodesy
- celestial horizon
- celestial pole
- celestial sphere
- center line
- center of mass
- centering
- central projection
- centrifugal force
- channel pattern
- check point
- chorographic map
- chromatic aberration
- chromotype
- circular orbit
- circularly polarized light
- circumferentor
- circumpolar star
- civil day
- civil time
- clinometer
- coated paper
- coater
- coefficient matrix
- coefficient of expansion
- colatitude
- collinearity equation
- collotype
- color film
- color separation
- colorimeter
- comet
- compass rose
- compass survey
- compensator
- compilation
- concave lens
- constant of aberration
- constant of gravitation
- constellation
- contact print
- continental slope
- continuous spectrum
- continuous tone
- contour map
- contrast
- control point
- control station
- control survey
- conurbation
- convertible lens
- convex lens
- coplane
- copy
- copy holder
- correlate
- correlation
- counterweight
- covariance matrix
- cuesta
- culvert
- curvature
- curve
- cylinder press
- cylindrical lens