[编辑]échelon (複數 échelons)
- echelon的另一種寫法。
- 1899, Winston Spencer Churchill, “The Battle of Omdurman: September 2, 1898 [恩圖曼之戰:1898年9月2日]”, 出自 F[rancis] Rhodes 編, The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan [...] In Two Volumes [河上戰爭:征服蘇丹的歷史記錄 [...] 共二卷], 第 II 卷, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 89 Paternoster Row, →OCLC,第 145–146 頁s:
- As soon as the infantry had replenished their ammunition, they wheeled to the left in échelon of brigades, and began to march towards Surgham ridge. The movements of a great force are slow. It was not desirable that the British division, which led the échelon, should remain in the low ground north of Surgham—where it was commanded, had no field of fire, and could see nothing—and accordingly both these brigades moved forward almost together to occupy the crest of the ridge.
- 步兵一补充完弹药,就以旅为单位向左转,开始向苏尔汉姆山脊行进。一支大部队的行动是缓慢的。带领这个梯队的英军师不应该留在苏尔汉北部的低洼地带——按照指挥,那里没有火力范围,也看不到任何东西——因此这两个旅几乎一起前进,占领了山脊的顶峰。
[编辑]échelon m (複數 échelons)
[编辑]- 查看“échelon”在 le Trésor de la langue française informatisé [法语数字化宝典] 中的释义。