

defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'humorous': {(407, '肚臍'), (289, '打針'), (443, '蝨子'), (285, '手紙'), (136, '腳趾'), (238, '喝茶'), (210, '兔子'), (363, '牙籤'), (445, '螻蛄'), (744, '禿子'), (929, '麻將'), (846, '豆腐'), (398, '紙幣'), (119, '紙幣'), (61, '打麻將'), (872, ''), (2, '上吊')}, 'dated': {(155, '西方人'), (110, '睡午覺'), (55, '所以'), (61, '打麻將'), (98, '生病'), (489, '霍亂'), (10, '助產士'), (472, '鋼筆'), (187, '香煙'), (747, '穆斯林'), (1001, '柱子'), (71, '新娘'), (285, '手紙'), (596, '小費'), (344, '油條'), (322, '栗子'), (44, ''), (24, '單人旁'), (225, '右手'), (871, '郵遞員'), (116, '童養媳'), (315, '月食'), (334, '母貓'), (49, '幫忙'), (212, ''), (309, '日食'), (146, ''), (128, '聖誕節'), (119, '紙幣'), (598, '工人'), (902, '韭菜'), (75, '普通話'), (369, ''), (214, '出生證'), (398, '紙幣'), (31, '外面'), (307, '新加坡'), (251, '塑料袋'), (779, '聾子'), (679, '毫米'), (756, '筷籠'), (34, ''), (488, '電池'), (557, '同學'), (464, ''), (192, '黃鼬'), (476, '鐵絲'), (9, '冰雹'), (280, ''), (53, '恰巧'), (166, '農民'), (308, '新娘'), (185, '風水先生'), (481, '雙人旁'), (682, '水痘'), (726, '當鋪'), (217, '別針'), (933, '黑板'), (96, '瓦匠'), (634, '新鮮'), (731, '皮鞋'), (99, '男人'), (292, '抹布'), (483, '雞冠'), (245, '地方'), (566, '地震'), (649, '柱子'), (1018, '水痘'), (296, '拔河'), (76, '月經'), (454, '豆腐腦'), (434, ''), (252, ''), (93, '煤油'), (1015, '毫米'), (60, '打雷'), (3, '上面'), (831, '表嫂'), (231, '味精'), (145, ''), (898, '電梯'), (111, '睡衣'), (84, '每天'), (343, '沒有'), (28, '圍嘴'), (534, '冬至'), (88, '流星'), (153, '蠶豆'), (379, '瘋狗'), (306, '教室'), (263, '妹夫'), (678, '毛筆'), (363, '牙籤'), (288, '打火機'), (108, '皮蛋'), (266, '子母扣'), (290, '打電話'), (254, '外國'), (385, '皮蛋'), (276, '小舅子'), (446, '蠟燭'), (607, '律師'), (123, '老虎'), (67, '整天'), (437, ''), (820, '蛋糕'), (299, '掃帚'), (418, '臭蟲'), (15, '口水'), (201, '下霜'), (244, '因為'), (838, '褲子'), (216, '別處'), (81, '棺材')}, 'pejorative': {(563, '四眼田雞'), (5, '傻子')}, 'vulgar': {(375, '疝氣'), (12, '厲害'), (20, '吝嗇鬼'), (5, '傻子')}, 'man': {(102, '瘋子'), (744, '禿子'), (502, '駝子'), (5, '傻子'), (563, '四眼田雞'), (779, '聾子')}, 'woman': {(102, '瘋子'), (744, '禿子'), (502, '駝子'), (5, '傻子'), (563, '四眼田雞'), (779, '聾子')}, 'boy': {(102, '瘋子'), (744, '禿子'), (502, '駝子'), (5, '傻子'), (563, '四眼田雞'), (779, '聾子')}, 'girl': {(102, '瘋子'), (744, '禿子'), (502, '駝子'), (5, '傻子'), (563, '四眼田雞'), (779, '聾子')}, 'GT': {(569, ''), (110, '睡午覺'), (814, '藥粉'), (1101, '電話號碼'), (406, '聲音'), (890, '雞眼'), (536, '刀背'), (339, '毛蟲'), (571, ''), (738, ''), (969, '大理石'), (719, '玉米花'), (693, '清真寺'), (747, '穆斯林'), (514, '齲齒'), (614, ''), (200, '下班'), (332, '欠賬'), (366, '犬齒'), (596, '小費'), (264, '姪女'), (1100, '電線'), (240, '單簧管'), (1041, '竹筍'), (355, '煙囪'), (618, '手動排擋'), (44, ''), (629, '搶劫'), (771, '美元'), (576, '大理石'), (335, '每晚'), (955, '刀背'), (517, '上個月'), (470, '釣鉤'), (358, '燙髮'), (215, '刀刃'), (825, '蠍子'), (525, '今年'), (183, '領子'), (22, '商店'), (1050, ''), (786, ''), (401, '繞口令'), (1081, '輸卵管'), (688, '泡妞'), (1105, ''), (75, '普通話'), (523, '京胡'), (260, '大後年'), (872, ''), (251, '塑料袋'), (620, '打球'), (1056, ''), (725, '畫眉'), (942, '不到'), (554, '-2'), (341, '水龍頭'), (404, '翠鳥'), (723, '生鏽'), (1019, '水銀'), (973, '學費'), (492, '領子'), (1098, '雪人'), (623, '扳手'), (967, '-2'), (886, '陰蒂'), (424, '花瓶'), (640, '書包'), (790, ''), (671, '歇後語'), (945, '今年'), (894, ''), (5, '傻子'), (249, '堂姐'), (1058, '脫鞋'), (16, '口臭'), (594, '對聯'), (152, '蠶蛹'), (1084, ''), (52, '忘記'), (66, '敗家子'), (372, '瓢蟲'), (762, ''), (367, '狂犬病'), (92, '煙頭'), (283, '忘記'), (438, '蛋白'), (692, '洗衣機'), (350, '漫畫書'), (447, '蠶蛹'), (539, '加油站'), (382, '發燒'), (632, '收音機'), (518, '上衣'), (532, '內褲'), (109, '相機'), (702, '煙葉'), (387, '短褲'), (46, '左邊'), (440, '蜂窩'), (1092, ''), (994, ''), (931, '黑子'), (515, '龍葵'), (609, ''), (638, ''), (391, '稻草'), (965, '基督教'), (7, '兔脣'), (501, '駕駛執照'), (984, '手語'), (940, ''), (170, '釣魚竿'), (425, '花生油'), (223, '口臭'), (639, ''), (837, '裙子'), (689, ''), (1052, '羅非魚'), (551, '古蘭經'), (703, ''), (378, ''), (471, ''), (681, '水井'), (154, '裝傻'), (866, ''), (138, '腳踝'), (1109, '高麗參'), (710, '牙縫'), (199, '下個月'), (227, '吐血'), (778, ''), (699, '煙油'), (338, '毛孔'), (749, '窗簾'), (806, '華人'), (509, '鹹鴨蛋'), (701, '煙絲'), (18, '右邊'), (273, '小姨子'), (272, '小刀'), (33, '大前天'), (580, '女朋友'), (201, '下霜'), (1035, ''), (775, '老虎鉗'), (838, '褲子'), (216, '別處'), (668, ''), (763, '粉筆'), (556, '吃醋'), (65, '拖把')}, 'first meal in a two meal system': {(11, '午餐')}, 'second meal in a two meal system': {(11, '午餐')}, 'soprano': {(25, '嗩吶')}, 'alto or bass': {(25, '嗩吶')}, '>': {(464, ''), (584, '姨丈'), (34, '')}, 'outside the family': {(36, '好色')}, 'within the family': {(36, '好色')}, 'polite': {(43, '屍體')}, 'childish': {(770, ''), (369, ''), (73, '星星'), (159, ''), (731, '皮鞋'), (195, '鼻屎'), (44, '')}, 'slang': {(231, '味精'), (134, '胸罩'), (171, ''), (44, '')}, 'argot': {(44, ''), (159, '')}, 'light': {(60, '打雷')}, 'heavy': {(60, '打雷')}, 'Mainland': {(812, '薩克斯風'), (231, '味精'), (501, '駕駛執照'), (62, '打點滴'), (165, '轉筆刀')}, 'Hui': {(82, '槍斃'), (64, '拍馬屁'), (159, ''), (160, '豬油'), (77, '木屐'), (98, '生病')}, ' whole daytime': {(67, '整天')}, '': {(530, ''), (385, '皮蛋'), (949, ''), (916, ''), (274, '小時'), (1050, ''), (930, ''), (420, '艾滋病'), (473, ''), (74, '春節'), (464, ''), (81, '棺材'), (67, '整天'), (703, ''), (891, ''), (108, '皮蛋'), (753, '竹竿'), (333, '母豬')}, 'against rain': {(69, '斗笠')}, 'rural': {(148, '蝌蚪'), (566, '地震'), (527, '做飯'), (79, '東西')}, 'suburbs': {(280, ''), (445, '螻蛄'), (804, '草字頭'), (315, '月食'), (85, '水蛭'), (765, '粽子'), (142, '莙薘菜'), (98, '生病'), (321, '柿子'), (236, '啄木鳥')}, 'bulb': {(87, '洋蔥')}, 'literary': {(91, '無名指')}, 'only lays tiles': {(96, '瓦匠')}, 'derogatory': {(129, '聰明'), (478, '閩南人'), (580, '女朋友'), (408, '胖子'), (166, '農民'), (96, '瓦匠'), (162, '赤腳'), (872, ''), (779, '聾子')}, 'of an adult': {(98, '生病')}, 'of a child': {(98, '生病')}, 'young': {(100, '男孩子'), (334, '母貓')}, 'noun': {(103, '瘧疾')}, 'verb': {(103, '瘧疾')}, 'verb, dated': {(103, '瘧疾')}, '': {(385, '皮蛋'), (274, '小時'), (473, ''), (703, ''), (108, '皮蛋')}, '§': {(385, '皮蛋'), (108, '皮蛋')}, 'old': {(110, '睡午覺')}, 'rare': {(112, '磁石'), (1005, '欄杆')}, 'wet': {(117, '粉絲')}, 'less common': {(117, '粉絲')}, 'broken grain': {(118, '')}, 'whole grain': {(118, '')}, 'Hetian': {(120, '')}, 'Xintian': {(120, '')}, 'face-to-face': {(829, '表妹'), (582, '姐夫'), (273, '小姨子'), (587, '嫂子'), (1074, '表妹'), (831, '表嫂'), (121, '繼父'), (402, '繼母')}, 'non-face-to-face': {(261, '大舅子'), (582, '姐夫'), (263, '妹夫'), (273, '小姨子'), (587, '嫂子'), (121, '繼父'), (402, '繼母')}, 'ring': {(127, '耳環')}, 'with pendant': {(127, '耳環')}, 'general term': {(127, '耳環')}, 'informal': {(134, '胸罩')}, 'snow pea': {(158, '豌豆')}, 'Han': {(160, '豬油')}, 'in Xianxi': {(162, '赤腳')}, 'emphasized': {(162, '赤腳')}, 'male': {(691, '泳裝'), (166, '農民'), (779, '聾子')}, 'honorific or humorous': {(166, '農民')}, 'dated, derogatory': {(166, '農民')}, 'self-appellation': {(166, '農民')}, 'slightly derogatory or humble': {(166, '農民')}, 'female': {(691, '泳裝'), (166, '農民'), (779, '聾子')}, 'euphemistic': {(573, ''), (313, ''), (167, '避孕套')}, 'bamboo': {(170, '釣魚竿')}, 'figuratively': {(1081, '輸卵管'), (777, '職業'), (171, '')}, 'honorific': {(192, '黃鼬')}, 'in nature': {(212, '')}, 'dated; in nature': {(212, '')}, 'weather': {(213, '')}, 'very cold': {(213, '')}, 'Taiwan': {(932, '黑捲尾'), (615, '扁舵鰹'), (231, '味精'), (420, '艾滋病')}, 'offensive': {(238, '喝茶')}, 'because of': {(244, '因為')}, 'Mainland China': {(844, '警察局'), (1098, '雪人'), (935, '鼠標'), (1063, '茶葉蛋'), (420, '艾滋病'), (615, '扁舵鰹'), (774, '老花眼'), (251, '塑料袋')}, 'Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore': {(251, '塑料袋')}, 'large': {(444, '螃蟹'), (252, ''), (324, '梳子'), (836, '被子'), (597, ''), (322, '栗子')}, 'first burial': {(252, '')}, 'second burial': {(252, '')}, 'without a body buried': {(252, '')}, 'unmarried': {(255, '外甥女')}, 'married': {(255, '外甥女')}, 'usually ceramic': {(257, '夜壺')}, 'respectful': {(261, '大舅子'), (878, '錫匠')}, 'eldest': {(261, '大舅子')}, 'fish': {(268, '')}, 'chicken': {(268, '')}, 'pig': {(268, '')}, 'also for elder sister': {(273, '小姨子')}, '×': {(274, '小時')}, ', *': {(274, '小時')}, ', §': {(274, '小時')}, '': {(274, '小時')}, 'nickname': {(307, '新加坡')}, 'collective': {(313, '')}, 'fallen from tree': {(319, '松針')}, 'still attached to tree': {(319, '松針')}, 'of horsetail pine': {(319, '松針')}, 'attached to tree': {(319, '松針')}, 'fell on the ground without twigs': {(319, '松針')}, 'small': {(684, '池塘'), (443, '蝨子'), (376, ''), (597, ''), (324, '梳子'), (444, '螃蟹'), (461, '跳蚤'), (322, '栗子')}, 'wooden': {(324, '梳子')}, 'has given birth': {(334, '母貓')}, 'has not given birth': {(334, '母貓')}, 'in mud': {(345, '泥鰍')}, 'in sand': {(345, '泥鰍')}, 'Taiwanese style': {(348, '海蠣煎')}, 'slightly derogatory': {(352, '潮汕人')}, 'soot': {(356, '')}, 'piece': {(356, '')}, 'protruding': {(366, '犬齒')}, 'superstitious': {(368, '狐狸')}, 'of a female': {(371, '理髮')}, 'usually of a female': {(371, '理髮')}, 'usually course': {(388, '硯臺')}, 'big, bowl-shaped': {(388, '硯臺')}, 'voice': {(406, '聲音')}, 'GT, voice': {(406, '聲音')}, 'made of copper': {(414, '臉盆')}, 'made of copper, old-style': {(414, '臉盆')}, 'made of enamel': {(414, '臉盆')}, 'made of wood': {(414, '臉盆')}, 'new-style': {(414, '臉盆')}, 'made of copper or enamel': {(414, '臉盆')}, ', Mainland China': {(420, '艾滋病')}, ', Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, SEA except Singapore, dated in Mainland China': {(420, '艾滋病')}, 'Singapore': {(420, '艾滋病')}, 'Hong Kong': {(420, '艾滋病')}, 'figurative': {(428, '荔枝')}, 'raw': {(438, '蛋白')}, 'cooked': {(438, '蛋白')}, 'uncooked': {(438, '蛋白')}, 'big': {(443, '蝨子')}, 'suburban': {(454, '豆腐腦')}, 'thin': {(471, '')}, 'thick': {(471, ''), (753, '竹竿')}, 'for cutting grass': {(475, '鐮刀')}, 'for reaping rice': {(475, '鐮刀')}, 'for wheat': {(475, '鐮刀')}, 'short': {(475, '鐮刀')}, 'toothless, wider blade': {(475, '鐮刀')}, 'galvanized': {(476, '鐵絲')}, 'food': {(486, '雞爪')}, 'older form': {(499, '香皂')}, 'urban': {(527, '做飯')}, 'male briefs, female': {(532, '內褲')}, 'male boxers': {(532, '內褲')}, 'heroin addict': {(559, '吸毒者')}, 'humorous or derogatory': {(580, '女朋友')}, '<': {(584, '姨丈')}, 'Islam': {(589, '孤兒')}, 'rock': {(597, '')}, 'soil': {(597, '')}, 'mound': {(597, '')}, 'derogatory or humble': {(598, '工人')}, 'usually basketball': {(620, '打球')}, 'chopped': {(663, '')}, 'official': {(690, '泰米爾文')}, ', GT': {(703, '')}, 'for butchering pigs': {(704, '熱水')}, 'for bathing': {(704, '熱水')}, 'flower-shaped': {(708, '燭臺')}, 'Mainland China, Thailand': {(1033, '獻血'), (716, '獻血')}, 'Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand': {(1033, '獻血'), (716, '獻血')}, 'intense': {(723, '生鏽')}, 'sarcastic': {(731, '皮鞋')}, 'dated, humorous': {(731, '皮鞋')}, 'rough': {(743, '碼頭')}, 'grain': {(746, '穀子')}, 'plant': {(752, '竹子'), (746, '穀子')}, 'boat': {(753, '竹竿')}, 'on the wall': {(756, '筷籠')}, 'on the table': {(756, '筷籠')}, 'cant': {(771, '美元')}, 'Mainland China, Hong Kong': {(1053, '老撾'), (772, '老撾')}, 'Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore': {(1053, '老撾'), (772, '老撾')}, 'totally deaf': {(779, '聾子')}, 'young person': {(779, '聾子')}, 'child': {(779, '聾子')}, 'TCM': {(780, '')}, 'chiefly overseas': {(806, '華人')}, 'intimate or humorous': {(828, '表哥')}, '': {(839, '西服')}, '': {(839, '西服')}, 'male to female': {(845, '變性人')}, 'with two ropes': {(859, '跳繩')}, 'with one foot only': {(859, '跳繩')}, 'larger': {(893, '雨點')}, 'as a digit': {(1099, ''), (895, '')}, 'stronger': {(897, '雷陣雨')}, 'sailors': {(902, '韭菜')}, 'jargon': {(927, '')}, 'skin': {(930, '')}, 'Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia': {(935, '鼠標')}, 'for some people': {(956, '刺蝟')}})