
ME: [[{{{enm}}}]] « 15世纪 16世纪 17世纪 18世纪 19世纪 20世纪 21世纪

This is a timeline template for words with English quotations. Parameters:

  • 1400s — dates of 15th century quotations
  • 1500s — dates of 16th century quotations
  • 1600s — (etc.)
  • 1700s
  • 1800s
  • 1900s
  • 2000s
  • enm — A link backwards to the entry for the Middle English progenitor of this word (if any), where (in theory) older cites would be found.

If more than one date exists for a century, separate them with <br> tags, and they should bottom-align.

All parameters are optional. If none are given, the timeline will be blank, as it should be above. This timeline is probably not suitable for other languages than English, which may want longer or shorter timelines, or links back to different prior languages (or forward to later ones?).

Please feel free to gussy up this template any way that seems necessary, I'm not very good at pretty format.

Adapted from la:Formula:Chronologia.