

local m = {}
m['header'] = 'Aleppo'
m[1] = {{term = "amā"}}
m[2] = {{term = "tō"}, {term = "tər-"}}
m[3] = {{term = "pānǧī"}}
m[4] = {{term = "amīn"}}
m[5] = {{term = "tmīn"}}
m[7] = {{term = "hā"}, {term = "ē", notes = "oblique"}}
m[8] = {{term = "ō"}}
m[9] = {{term = "ēta"}}
m[10] = {{term = "ōta"}}
m[11] = {{term = "kō"}}
m[12] = {{term = "kay"}}
m[13] = {{term = "kā"}, {term = "ketā"}}
m[14] = {{term = "kačā"}}
m[15] = {{term = "kāt"}, {term = "katt"}}
m[16] = {{term = "n-", notes = "attaches to verb, may push stress to some tense marks"}}
m[17] = {{term = "sā"}}
m[18] = {{term = "bū"}}
m[19] = {{term = "ktī", notes = 'also "how many"'}}
m[20] = {{term = "tīkā"}}
m[21] = {{term = "ġēr"}, {term = "bēʋk-", notes = "only found in oldest informant"}}
m[22] = {{term = "yēka"}, {term = "yōka"}, {term = "yē", notes = "short form"}}
m[23] = {{term = "dədī"}, {term = "dī", notes = "as noun modifier"}}
m[24] = {{term = "trən"}}
m[25] = {{term = "štār"}}
m[26] = {{term = "panǧ"}}
m[27] = {{term = "drōngã"}}
m[28] = {{term = "drōngã"}}
m[31] = {{term = "grān"}}
m[32] = {{term = "trōtə"}}
m[36] = {{term = "kaǧǧī", notes = "gaǧǧī also attested"}, {term = "ǧʋər"}}
m[37] = {{term = "kaǧǧã", notes = "gaǧǧã also attested"}}
m[39] = {{term = "čēzə́k"}, {term = "čāġã"}}
m[40] = {{term = "ǧəʋr"}}
m[41] = {{term = "mənəs"}}
m[42] = {{term = "dād"}}
m[43] = {{term = "bāb"}}
m[47] = {{term = "bōǧī"}}
m[50] = {{term = "kərʋək"}}
m[51] = {{term = "laʋrã́"}}
m[53] = {{term = "xēzarān"}}
m[66] = {{term = "təllã"}}
m[71] = {{term = "ʋāl"}}
m[72] = {{term = "sər", alt = "sər?", notes = "sr-ō, genitive construction; medial vowel uncertain"}}
m[74] = {{term = "akkī"}}
m[76] = {{term = "zāʋər", alt = "zāʋər?", notes = "zāʋr-ōs, genitive construction; medial vowel uncertain"}}
m[77] = {{term = "dānd"}}
m[78] = {{term = "ǧib"}}
m[80] = {{term = "qīč"}}
m[83] = {{term = "xašt"}}
m[85] = {{term = "pēṭ"}}
m[88] = {{term = "pišt"}}
m[90] = {{term = "xor"}}
m[92] = {{term = "pī-"}}
m[93] = {{term = "qā-"}}
m[100] = {{term = "xaz-"}}
m[103] = {{term = "ǧān-"}}
m[121] = {{term = "ga-", notes = "to go"}}
m[122] = {{term = "āʋ-"}}
m[128] = {{term = "dē-", alt = "dē- ~ tō-"}}
m[140] = {{term = "gā kar-"}}
m[149] = {{term = "yēldəz"}}
m[150] = {{term = "pānī"}}
m[156] = {{term = "wāṭ"}}
return m