


在"incategory ..."過濾器後添加搜索文字:




Module:data consistency check檢測到以下錯誤:

  • 阿克語 (aeu) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code aik.
  • 安拜語 (aic) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code amk.
  • 阿拉瓦語 (alh) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code aru.
  • 巴格里語 (bfy) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bgq.
  • 巴特里語 (bgw) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code btv.
  • 比里語 (bhb) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bzr.
  • 波拉語 (boa) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bxd.
  • Dakaka (bpa) has its canonical name ("Dakaka") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 巴薩語 (bsq) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bas.
  • 巴薩語 (bzw) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bas.
  • Shuba (cbq) has its canonical name ("Shuba") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Tiri (cir) has its canonical name ("Tiri") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Cakchiquel-Quiché Mixed Language (ckz) has its canonical name ("Cakchiquel-Quiché Mixed Language") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Maa (cma) has its canonical name ("Maa") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Island Carib (crb) has its canonical name ("Island Carib") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 達伊語 (dax) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code dij.
  • Ngen (gnj) has its canonical name ("Ngen") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Numee (kdk) has its canonical name ("Numee") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 凱克語 (keh) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code kzq.
  • 科龍語 (klm) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code kyo.
  • 凱特語 (kmg) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code ket.
  • 馬卡揚語 (kmx) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code aup.
  • 科拉克語 (koz) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code hhr.
  • 科維語 (kvc) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code kqb.
  • Looma (lom) has its canonical name ("Looma") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Larevat (lrv) has its canonical name ("Larevat") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Mafea (mkv) has its canonical name ("Mafea") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Mae (mme) has its canonical name ("Mae") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 艾西語 (mmq) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code ahs.
  • 西部湘西苗語 (mmr) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code muq.
  • 曼丁哥語 (mnk) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code man.
  • Marino (mrb) has its canonical name ("Marino") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Merlav (mrm) has its canonical name ("Merlav") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 穆西語 (mui) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code mse.
  • Central Maewo (mwo) has its canonical name ("Central Maewo") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 洪語 (nev) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code hnu.
  • Yuaga (nua) has its canonical name ("Yuaga") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 奧米語 (omi) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code aom.
  • 布那語 (pbv) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bvn.
  • 普泰語 (pht) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code mfl.
  • Pwaamei (pme) has its canonical name ("Pwaamei") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 波爾語 (pmm) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code blf.
  • Paunaca (pnk) has its canonical name ("Paunaca") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 帕語 (ppt) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code pai.
  • 拉瓦語 (rwo) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code luf.
  • Zire (sih) has its canonical name ("Zire") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 薩姆語 (snx) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code raq.
  • 泰雷諾語 (tiv) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code ter.
  • Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin (upv) has its canonical name ("Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Ura (New Guinea) (uro) has its canonical name ("Ura (New Guinea)") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • Lehalurup (urr) has its canonical name ("Lehalurup") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 馬庫瓦語 (vmw) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code lva.
  • Banam Bay (vrt) has its canonical name ("Banam Bay") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • Yanomámi (wca) has its canonical name ("Yanomámi") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 莫語 (wkd) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code mkg.
  • Wè Northern (wob) has its canonical name ("Wè Northern") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 卡里亞語 (xcr) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code khr.
  • Indus Valley Language (xiv) has its canonical name ("Indus Valley Language") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 卡納西語 (xns) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code soq.
  • Nyâlayu (yly) has its canonical name ("Nyâlayu") repeated in the table of aliases.
  • 帕拉語 (ypa) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code plq.
  • Yaroamë (yro) has its canonical name ("Yaroamë") repeated in the table of otherNames.
  • 貝納語 (yun) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code bez.
  • 尤奇語 (yuq) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code yuc.
  • The data key preprocess_links for Hacked Thai (th-new) is invalid.
  • 赫爾尼基語 (xum-her) has a canonical name that is not unique; it is also used by the code xhr.


	{"North Azerbaijani", "South Azerbaijani",
		{"Afshar", "Afshari", "Afshar Azerbaijani", "Afchar"},
		{"Qashqa'i", "Qashqai", "Kashkay"},

這裏,Afshar變體指定了三個別名(Afshari、Afshar Azerbaijani和Afchar),而Qashqa'i變體指定了兩個別名(Qashqai和Kashkay),而Songor、North Azerbaijani和South Azerbaijani變體沒有列出別名。

在某些情況下,應將變體添加到Module:etymology languages/data中,並將語言作為parent值,以便可以在詞源中引用它們。


local m = {}

m["haa"] = {
	aliases = {"Hän"},
	otherNames = {"Haen", "Han", "Dawson", "Moosehide", "Hän-Kutchin", "Han-Kutchin"},

m["hab"] = {
	aliases = {"Hanoi Sign Language"},

m["hac"] = {
	aliases = {"Gurani"},
	otherNames = {"Gorani", "Avromani", "Awroman", "Awromani", "Hawramani", "Hawrami", "Hewrami", "Hourami", "Howrami", "Ourami"},

m["had"] = {
	aliases = {"Hatam"},

m["haf"] = {
	aliases = {"Haiphong Sign Language"},

m["hag"] = {
	aliases = {"Hanga"},

m["hah"] = {
	aliases = {"Hahon"},

m["hai"] = {
	aliases = {"Haida"},

m["haj"] = {
	aliases = {"Hajong"},

m["hak"] = {
	aliases = {"Hakka"},

m["hal"] = {
	aliases = {"Halang"},

m["ham"] = {
	aliases = {"Hewa"},

m["hao"] = {
	aliases = {"Hakö"},

m["hap"] = {
	aliases = {"Hupla"},

m["har"] = {
	aliases = {"Harari"},

m["has"] = {
	aliases = {"Haisla"},

m["hav"] = {
	aliases = {"Havu"},

m["haw"] = {
	aliases = {"Hawaiian"},

m["hax"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Haida"},

m["hay"] = {
	aliases = {"Haya"},

m["hba"] = {

m["hbb"] = {
	aliases = {"Huba"},
	otherNames = {"Kilba"},

m["hbn"] = {
	aliases = {"Heiban"},

m["hbu"] = {
	aliases = {"Habu"},

m["hca"] = {
	aliases = {"Andaman Creole Hindi"},

m["hch"] = {
	aliases = {"Huichol"},

m["hdn"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Haida"},

m["hds"] = {
	aliases = {"Honduras Sign Language"},
	otherNames = {"Honduran Sign Language"},

m["hdy"] = {
	aliases = {"Hadiyya"},

m["hea"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Qiandong Miao"},
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hed"] = {

m["heg"] = {
	aliases = {"Helong"},

m["heh"] = {
	aliases = {"Hehe"},

m["hei"] = {
	aliases = {"Heiltsuk"},

m["hem"] = {

m["hgm"] = {
	aliases = {"Haiǁom"},

m["hgw"] = {
	aliases = {"Haigwai"},

m["hhi"] = {

m["hhr"] = {
	aliases = {"Kerak"},

m["hhy"] = {
	aliases = {"Hoia Hoia"},

m["hia"] = {
	aliases = {"Lamang"},

m["hib"] = {

m["hid"] = {
	aliases = {"Hidatsa"},

m["hif"] = {
	aliases = {"Fiji Hindi"},

m["hig"] = {
	aliases = {"Kamwe"},
	otherNames = {"Higgi", "Higi"},

m["hih"] = {
	aliases = {"Pamosu"},

m["hii"] = {
	aliases = {"Hinduri"},

m["hij"] = {
	aliases = {"Hijuk"},

m["hik"] = {

m["hil"] = {
	aliases = {"Hiligaynon"},

m["hio"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tsoa", "Kua", "Cua", "Hiechware", "Cirecire", "Cire-cire", "Cire-Cire", "Cire Cire"},

m["hir"] = {

m["hit"] = {
	aliases = {"Hittite", "Hettite", "Kanesite", "Kaneshite", "Kanesian", "Kaneshian", "Nesian", "Neshian", "Nesite", "Nessite", "Neshite"},

m["hiw"] = {
	aliases = {"Hiw"},

m["hix"] = {
	aliases = {"Hixkaryana"},
	otherNames = {"Hixkaryána"},

m["hji"] = {

m["hka"] = {

m["hke"] = {

m["hkh"] = {
	aliases = {"Pogali", "Poguli"},

m["hkk"] = {

m["hkn"] = {
	aliases = {"Mel-Khaonh"},
	otherNames = {"Mel", "Khaonh"},

m["hks"] = {
	aliases = {"Hong Kong Sign Language"},

m["hla"] = {
	aliases = {"Halia"},

m["hlb"] = {
	aliases = {"Halbi"},

m["hld"] = {
	aliases = {"Halang Doan"},
	otherNames = {"Duan", "Doan"},

m["hle"] = {
	aliases = {"Hlersu"},
	otherNames = {"Sansu"},

m["hlt"] = {
	aliases = {"Nga La"},
	otherNames = {"Matu Chin", "Matu"},

m["hma"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Mashan Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Southern Mashan Miao"},

m["hmb"] = {
	otherNames = {"Central Songhay"},

m["hmc"] = {
	aliases = {"Central Huishui Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Central Huishui Miao"},

m["hmd"] = {
	aliases = {"A-Hmao"},
	otherNames = {"A Hmao", "Big Flowery Miao", "Large Flowery Miao"},

m["hme"] = {
	aliases = {"Eastern Huishui Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Eastern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmf"] = {

m["hmg"] = {
	aliases = {"Southwestern Guiyang Hmong"},

m["hmh"] = {
	aliases = {"Southwestern Huishui Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Southwestern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmi"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Huishui Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Northern Huishui Miao"},

m["hmj"] = {
	aliases = {"Ge"},
	otherNames = {"Gedou Miao"},

m["hmk"] = {
	aliases = {"Yemaek"},
	otherNames = {"Ye-Maek", "Maek"},

m["hml"] = {
	aliases = {"Luopohe Hmong"},

m["hmm"] = {
	aliases = {"Central Mashan Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Central Mashan Miao"},

m["hmp"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Mashan Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Northern Mashan Miao"},

m["hmq"] = {
	aliases = {"Eastern Qiandong Miao"},
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hmr"] = {
	aliases = {"Hmar"},

m["hms"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Qiandong Miao"},
	otherNames = {"Black Miao"},

m["hmt"] = {
	aliases = {"Hamtai"},
	otherNames = {"Kapau"},

m["hmu"] = {
	aliases = {"Hamap"},

m["hmv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hmong Do"},

m["hmw"] = {
	aliases = {"Western Mashan Hmong"},
	otherNames = {"Western Mashan Miao"},

m["hmy"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Guiyang Hmong"},

m["hmz"] = {
	aliases = {"Hmong Shua"},
	otherNames = {"Hmong Sua"},

m["hna"] = {
	otherNames = {"Mina (Cameroon)", "Hina", "Besleri"},

m["hnd"] = {
	aliases = {"Southern Hindko"},

m["hne"] = {
	aliases = {"Chhattisgarhi"},

m["hnh"] = {
	aliases = {"ǁAni"},

m["hni"] = {
	aliases = {"Hani"},

m["hnj"] = {
	aliases = {"Green Hmong", "Hmong Njua", "Hmong Leng", "Mong Leng", "Green Miao", "Blue Hmong"},

m["hnm"] = {
	aliases = {"Hainamese", "Hailamese", "Hainam", "Hainan Min", "Hainam Min"},

m["hnn"] = {
	aliases = {"Hanunoo", "Hanunó'o", "Hanuno'o"},

m["hno"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Hindko"},
	otherNames = {"Kagani", "Hazara Hindko", "Hindki of Hazara"},

m["hns"] = {
	aliases = {"Caribbean Hindustani", "Caribbean Bhojpuri"},

m["hnu"] = {
	aliases = {"Hung"},

m["hoa"] = {
	aliases = {"Hoava"},

m["hob"] = {
	aliases = {"Austronesian Mari"},
	otherNames = {"Mari (Madang Province)", "Hop"},

m["hoc"] = {
	aliases = {"Ho"},

m["hod"] = {

m["hoe"] = {
	aliases = {"Horom"},

m["hoh"] = {

m["hoi"] = {
	aliases = {"Holikachuk"},

m["hoj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Harauti"},

m["hol"] = {

m["hom"] = {

m["hoo"] = {

m["hop"] = {
	aliases = {"Hopi"},
	otherNames = {"Moqui"},

m["hor"] = {

m["hos"] = {
	aliases = {"Ho Chi Minh City Sign Language"},

m["hot"] = {

m["hov"] = {
	aliases = {"Hovongan"},

m["how"] = {
	aliases = {"Honi"},
	otherNames = {"Haoni", "Baihong", "Hao-Bai", "Ho"},

m["hoy"] = {
	aliases = {"Holiya"},

m["hoz"] = {
	aliases = {"Hozo"},

m["hpo"] = {

m["hps"] = {
	aliases = {"Hawai'i Pidgin Sign Language"},
	otherNames = {"Hawaiian Sign Language", "Hula", "Hawaii Sign Language"},

m["hra"] = {
	aliases = {"Hrangkhol"},

m["hrc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tangga"}, -- this variety of Tangga macrolanguage is on Tangga island

m["hre"] = {
	aliases = {"Hrê"},
	otherNames = {"Hre"},

m["hrk"] = {
	aliases = {"Haruku"},

m["hrm"] = {
	aliases = {"Horned Miao"},

m["hro"] = {
	aliases = {"Haroi"},

m["hrp"] = {
	aliases = {"Nhirrpi"},

m["hrt"] = {
	aliases = {"Hértevin"},

m["hru"] = {
	aliases = {"Hruso"},

m["hrw"] = {
	otherNames = {"Feni"},

m["hrx"] = {
	aliases = {"Hunsrik", "Riograndenser Hunsrückisch"},

m["hrz"] = {
	aliases = {"Harzani"},
	otherNames = {"Harzandi"},

m["hsb"] = {
	aliases = {"Upper Sorbian", "Upper Lusatian", "Upper Wendish"},

m["hsh"] = {
	aliases = {"Hungarian Sign Language"},

m["hsl"] = {
	aliases = {"Hausa Sign Language"},

m["hsn"] = {
	aliases = {"Xiang"},

m["hss"] = {
	aliases = {"Harsusi"},

m["hti"] = {

m["hto"] = {
	otherNames = {"Minica", "Minica Witoto"},

m["hts"] = {
	aliases = {"Hadza"},

m["htu"] = {
	aliases = {"Hitu"},

m["hub"] = {
	aliases = {"Huambisa"},
	otherNames = {"Huambiza", "Wambisa"},

m["huc"] = {
	aliases = {"ǂHoan"},
	otherNames = {"ǂ’Amkoe", "ǂHȍã", "ǂHȍȁn"},

m["hud"] = {
	aliases = {"Huaulu"},

m["huf"] = {
	aliases = {"Humene"},

m["hug"] = {
	aliases = {"Huachipaeri"},

m["huh"] = {
	aliases = {"Huilliche"},

m["hui"] = {
	aliases = {"Huli"},

m["huj"] = {
	aliases = {"Northern Guiyang Hmong"},

m["huk"] = {
	aliases = {"Hulung"},

m["hul"] = {

m["hum"] = {
	aliases = {"Hungana"},

m["huo"] = {
	aliases = {"Hu"},

m["hup"] = {
	aliases = {"Hupa"},

m["huq"] = {
	aliases = {"Tsat"},
	otherNames = {"Hainan Cham", "Hui", "Huihui", "Sanya Hui", "Utsat", "Utset"},

m["hur"] = {
	aliases = {"Halkomelem"},

m["hus"] = {
	aliases = {"Wastek"},
	otherNames = {"Huastek", "Huasteka", "Huasteque", "Huaxteca", "Huaxteco", "Huaxteque", "Huastecan"},

m["huu"] = {
	aliases = {"Murui Huitoto"},
	otherNames = {"Murui", "Murui Witoto"},

m["huv"] = {
	aliases = {"Huave"},
	otherNames = {"San Mateo del Mar Huave", "San Dionisio del Mar Huave", "Santa María del Mar Huave", "San Francisco del Mar Huave"},

m["huw"] = {
	aliases = {"Hukumina"},
	otherNames = {"Palumata"},

m["hux"] = {
	aliases = {"Nüpode Huitoto"},
	otherNames = {"Nüpode", "Nüpode Witoto"},

m["huy"] = {
	aliases = {"Hulaulá"},

m["huz"] = {
	aliases = {"Hunzib"},

m["hvc"] = {
	aliases = {"Haitian Vodoun Culture Language"},
	otherNames = {"Langaj", "Langay"},

m["hvk"] = {
	aliases = {"Haveke"},

m["hvn"] = {
	aliases = {"Sabu"},
	otherNames = {"Savu"},

m["hwa"] = {
	aliases = {"Wané"},

m["hwc"] = {
	aliases = {"Hawaiian Creole"},
	otherNames = {"Hawaiian Creole English", "Hawai'ian Creole English", "Hawaiian Pidgin", "Hawai'ian Creole"},

m["hwo"] = {
	aliases = {"Hwana"},

m["hya"] = {
	aliases = {"Hya"},

return m