


local export = {}

local m_table = require("Module:table")

local u = require("Module:string/char")
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local ulen = mw.ustring.len

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

-- apply function repeatedly until no change
local function do_sub_repeatedly(term, fun)
	while true do
		local new_term = fun(term)
		if new_term == term then
			return term
		term = new_term

-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
	while true do
		local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
		if new_term == term then
			return term
		term = new_term

local grave = u(0x300)
local acute = u(0x301)
local stress = u(0x2C8)
local secondary_stress = u(0x2CC)
local tie = u(0x361)

local correspondences = {
	["а"] = "a",
	["б"] = "b",
	["в"] = "v",
	["г"] = "ɣ",
	["ґ"] = "ɡ",
	["д"] = "d",
	["дз"] = "d" .. tie .. "z",
	["дж"] = "d" .. tie .. "ʐ",
	["е"] = "ʲe",	-- or ɛ
	["ё"] = "ʲo",
	["ж"] = "ʐ",
	["з"] = "z",
	["і"] = "ʲi",
	["й"] = "j",
	["к"] = "k",
	["л"] = "l",
	["м"] = "m",
	["н"] = "n",
	["о"] = "o",	-- or ɔ
	["п"] = "p",
	["р"] = "r",
	["с"] = "s",
	["т"] = "t",
	["у"] = "u",
	["ў"] = "w",
	["ф"] = "f",
	["х"] = "x",
	["ц"] = "t" .. tie .. "s",
	["ч"] = "t" .. tie .. "ʂ",
	["ш"] = "ʂ",
	["ы"] = "ɨ",
	["ь"] = "ʲ",
	["э"] = "ɛ",
	["ю"] = "ʲu",
	["я"] = "ʲa",
	[acute] = stress,
	[grave] = secondary_stress,
	-- Space
	[" "] = " ",
	-- Apostrophes
	[u(0x27)] = "j",
	[u(0x2019)] = "j",
	[u(0x2BC)] = "j"

local devoicing = {
	['b'] = 'p', ['d'] = 't', ['ɡ'] = 'k',
	['z'] = 's', ['ʐ'] = 'ʂ', ['ɣ'] = 'x'

local voicing = {
	['p'] = 'b', ['t'] = 'd', ['k'] = 'ɡ',
	['s'] = 'z', ['ʂ'] = 'ʐ', ['x'] = 'ɣ',
	['f'] = 'v'

local vowel = "aeɛiɨou"
local vowel_c = "[" .. vowel .. "]"
local consonant = "jmnlrvwbdzʐɡɣpftskxʂ"
local consonant_c = "[" .. consonant .. "]"

local accent = stress .. secondary_stress
local accent_c = "[" .. accent .. "]"

local perm_syl_onset = m_table.listToSet({
	'spr', 'str', 'skr', 'spl', 'skl',
	'sp', 'st', 'sk', 'sf', 'sx', 'sl', 'sm', 'sn',
	-- WARNING, IPA ɡ used in the next two lines (and throughout this module)
	'pr', 'br', 'tr', 'dr', 'kr', 'ɡr', 'ɣr', 'fr', 'xr',
	'pl', 'bl', 'kl', 'ɡl', 'ɣl', 'fl', 'xl',

local function move_stress(transcription)
	-- The following logic for placing the stress mark on a syllable boundary is copied from
	-- [[Module:uk-pronunciation]].
	-- (1) Put the stress mark before the final consonant of a cluster (if any).
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "([^#" .. vowel .. "]?[ʲː]*" .. vowel_c .. ")(" .. accent_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- (2) Continue moving it over the rest of an affricate with a tie bar.
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "([^#" .. vowel .. "]͡)(" .. accent_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- (3) Continue moving it over any "permanent onset" clusters (e.g. st, skr, pl, also Cj).
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "(.)(ʲ?)(" .. consonant_c .. ")(ʲ?)(" .. accent_c .. ")(" .. consonant_c .. ")",
		function(a, aj, b, bj, stress, c)
			if perm_syl_onset[a .. b .. c] then
				return stress .. a .. aj .. b .. bj .. c
			elseif perm_syl_onset[b .. c] or c == "j" then
				return a .. aj .. stress .. b .. bj .. c
				return a .. aj .. b .. bj .. stress .. c
	-- (4) If we're in the middle of an affricate with a tie bar, continue moving back
	--     if the following consonant is /j/, else move forward.
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "([^#" .. vowel .. "]͡)(" .. accent_c .. ")(.ʲ?j)", "%2%1%3")
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "([^#" .. vowel .. "]͡)(" .. accent_c .. ")(.ʲ?)", "%1%3%2")
	-- (5) Move back over any remaining consonants at the beginning of a word.
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "#([^#" .. vowel .. "]+)(" .. accent_c .. ")", "#%2%1")
	-- (6) Move back over u̯ or i̯ at the beginning of a word.
	transcription = rsub(transcription, "#([ui]̯)(" .. accent_c .. ")", "#%2%1")
	return transcription

local function assimilate_voicing(transcription)
	return do_sub_repeatedly(transcription, function(text)
		text = rsub(text, "([bdɡɣzʐ])([ʲː" .. tie .. "]*[ptkfxsʂ#])", function(a, b)
			return devoicing[a] .. b end)
		text = rsub(text, "([ptkfxsʂ])([ʲː" .. tie .. "]*v?[ʲː" .. tie .. "]*[bdɡɣzʐ])", function(a, b)
			return voicing[a] .. b end)
		return text

local function assimilate_sibilants(transcription)
	return rsub_repeatedly(transcription, "[sʂzʐ]([td]?" .. tie .. "?)([sʂzʐ])", "%2%1%2")

-- Can probably be simplified
local function assimilate_palatals(transcription)
	return do_sub_repeatedly(transcription, function(text)
		text = rsub(text, "([bzɡɣpfskxmnlv])%1ʲ", "%1ʲ%1ʲ")
		text = rsub(text, "([szn])j", "%1ʲj")
		text = rsub(text, "([sn])(" .. accent_c .. "?[td]" .. tie .. "[sz]ʲ)", "%1ʲ%2")
		text = rsub(text, "([sz])([nl])ʲ", "%1ʲ%2ʲ")

		-- No assimilation in a final, non-initial syllable
		text = rsub_repeatedly(text, "([sz])([bmpfv])ʲ([^#]*" .. vowel_c .. "[^#]*" .. vowel_c .. ")", "%1ʲ%2ʲ%3")
		text = rsub(text, "#([^#" .. vowel .. "]*)([sz])([bmpfv])ʲ", "%1%2ʲ%3ʲ")

		text = rsub(text, "([td]" .. tie .. "[sz])vʲ", "%1ʲvʲ")
		text = rsub(text, "tsʲ", "t" .. tie .. "sʲsʲ")
		text = rsub(text, "dzʲ", "d" .. tie .. "zʲzʲ")
		text = rsub(text, "tt" .. tie .. "sʲ", "t" .. tie .. "sʲt" .. tie .. "sʲ")
		text = rsub(text, "dd" .. tie .. "zʲ", "d" .. tie .. "zʲd" .. tie .. "zʲ")
		return text

local function convert(text)
	-- convert commas and em/en dashes to IPA foot boundaries
	text = rsub(text, '%s*[,–—]%s*', ' | ')
	-- convert hyphen to space
	text = rsub(text, "%-", " ")
	-- canonicalize spaces
	text = rsub(text, "%s+", " ")
	text = rsub(text, "^%s", "")
	text = rsub(text, "%s$", "")
	local working_string = mw.ustring.lower(text)
	local IPA = {}
	while ulen(working_string) > 0 do
		local IPA_letter
		local letter = usub(working_string, 1, 1)
		local twoletters = usub(working_string, 1, 2) or ""
		if correspondences[twoletters] then
			IPA_letter = correspondences[twoletters]
			working_string = usub(working_string, 3)
			IPA_letter = correspondences[letter] or letter
			working_string = usub(working_string, 2)
		table.insert(IPA, IPA_letter)
	IPA = table.concat(IPA)

	-- Mark word boundaries
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "(%s+)", "#%1#")
	IPA = "#" .. IPA .. "#"

	-- Change ʲ to j between vowels or after another ʲ.
	IPA = rsub_repeatedly(IPA, "([#w" .. vowel .. "ʲ]" .. accent_c .. "?)ʲ(" .. vowel_c .. ")", "%1j%2")
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "jʲ", "j")

	-- /г/ is a stop in /зг/, /жг/
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "([sʂzʐ])ɣ", "%1ɡ")

	-- Mark stress
	IPA = rsub_repeatedly(IPA, "(#[^#o" .. stress .. "]*)o([^#o" .. stress .. "]*[aeɛiɨu][^#o" .. stress .. "]*#)", "%1o" .. stress .. "%2")
	IPA = rsub_repeatedly(IPA, "(#[^#o" .. stress .. "]*[aeɛiɨu][^#o" .. stress .. "]*)o([^#o" .. stress .. "]*#)", "%1o" .. stress .. "%2")

	-- Syllable-final /в/ is [u̯]
	IPA = rsub_repeatedly(IPA, "([" .. vowel .. accent .. "]+)w([^" .. vowel .. "])", "%1u̯%2")

	return IPA

function export.toIPA(term)
	--	Returns an error if the word contains alphabetic characters that are not Cyrillic.
	require("Module:script utilities").checkScript(term, "Cyrl")
	IPA = convert(term)

	-- Voicing assimilation
	IPA = assimilate_voicing(IPA)

	-- Sibilant assimilation
	IPA = assimilate_sibilants(IPA)

	-- Palatal assimilation
	IPA = assimilate_palatals(IPA)
	-- Soft and hard /л/
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "l([^ʲ])", "ɫ%1")

	-- Convert identical consonant sequences to geminates
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "([td]" .. tie .. "[szʂʐ]ʲ?)%1", "%1ː")
	IPA = rsub_repeatedly(IPA, "([^" .. tie .. "])([bdzʐɡɣpftskxʂmnlrjvw]ʲ?)%2", "%1%2ː")

	IPA = move_stress(IPA)

	-- Remove #s
	IPA = rsub(IPA, "#", "")

	return IPA

function export.remove_pron_notations(text, remove_grave)
	-- Remove grave accents from annotations but maybe not from phonetic respelling
	if remove_grave then
		text = mw.ustring.toNFC(rsub(mw.ustring.toNFD(text), grave, ""))
	return text

function export.show(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["ann"] = {},
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local term = args[1] or title.nsText == "Template" and "пры́клад" or title.text
	local IPA = export.toIPA(term)
	IPA = "[" .. IPA .. "]"
	IPA = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full {
		lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("be"),
		items = {{ pron = IPA }},
	local anntext
	if args.ann == "1" or args.ann == "y" then
		-- remove secondary stress annotations
		anntext = "'''" .. export.remove_pron_notations(term, true) .. "''':"
	elseif args.ann then
		anntext = "'''" .. args.ann .. "''':"
		anntext = ""

	return anntext .. IPA

return export