- acoustic wave
- acoustical delay line storage
- Adcock antenna
- aeronautical radionavigation land station
- afterimage
- Alfven speed
- Alfven wave
- amplitude-change signalling
- anti-T-R device
- antistickoff voltage
- approximate stationarity
- arithmetic and logic unit
- array
- artificial intelligence
- Attenuation
- Auger process
- automatic data processing system
- automatic phase control
- automatic-brightness control
- avalanche filter
- azimuth axis
- Babbage's analytical engine
- band-to-band tunnelling
- bank
- Barkhausen-Kurtz oscillator
- baseband distribution unit
- Baud
- Bayes' rule
- BB circuit
- beam-lead
- beam-of-light transistor
- beat carrier facsimile
- beat cutoff frequency
- Bernoulli theorem
- Bernoulli trials
- binary-coded alphanumeric
- binary-number
- blacking level
- blacking signal
- board plug
- Boltzmann equation
- Boolean algebra
- bridged-T-network
- Brillouin zone
- bulk voltage
- burried layer process
- Burst
- Butterworth filter
- Butterworth response
- carrier drop out
- carrier signal to noise ratio
- carrier-chrominance
- cascode
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflector
- cathode-ray oscilloscope
- cathode-ray readout screen
- cathode-ray tube
- central battery system
- centre hole
- channel-subdivider
- characteristic penetration length
- chargeable duration
- Chebyshev inequality
- chrominance components
- chrominance-carrier reference
- close-circuit television
- closed loop cryogenic
- closed-circuit working
- co- and quadrature spectrum
- cold-cathode tube
- color-difference signal
- color-subcarrier reference
- Colpitts oscillator
- Common Business Oriented Language
- common-base configuration
- common-base current gain
- common-collector configuration
- common-emitter configuration
- composite color sync signal
- conditionally stable
- confidence limits
- constant-current modulation
- constant-luminance transmission
- constant-phase surface antenna
- continuous-phase variable
- cord-circuit
- cross-ambiguity function
- cross-arm
- cross-bar switching
- crossvariance
- current-voltage characteristics
- Cutler feed
- cutoff region
- Early effect
- Ebers-Moll model
- electrochemical recording
- electron-coupled oscillator
- electrostatic cathode ray tube
- emission spectra
- end around carry
- equal-energy source
- equalizing networks
- error correcting telegraph system
- errorless and rippleless
- Esaki diode
- experimental determination
- Expression
- extrapolated range
- extremal seeking system
- extremal sensing
- F layer
- F1 layer
- F2 layer
- fanout
- far-infrared
- fast states
- fast-recovery diode
- feed copper loss
- feed pattern
- feedback action
- feedback element
- Fermi-Dirac distribution
- ferromagnetic resonance absorption
- Fick's equation
- field-effect distortion
- field-effect transistor
- field-induced junction
- figures case
- file
- filemark
- final-value theorem
- fixed-point arithmetic
- flat-band capacitance
- floating-carrier modulation
- floating-point arithmetic
- flute instability
- FM threshold
- FMFB demodulator
- format
- Fortran Language
- four vidicon camera
- four-frequency diplex
- four-frequency diplex telegraphy
- four-point probe method
- four-tone telegraph system
- Framing
- free electron density
- frequency-change signalling
- frequency-division multiplex
- frequency-exchange signalling
- frequency-shift coding
- frequency-shift keying
- frequency-shift telegraphy
- Fresnel diffraction pattern
- Fresnel zone
- front-to-rear ratio