make out



维基百科 en



make out (第三人称单数简单现在时 makes out,现在分词 making out,一般过去时及过去分词 made out)

  1. 〈及物〉 了解,觉察,意识到。
    I couldn't make out what he said, but he seemed to be quoting from something. 我不知道他说的什么,只觉得他好像在引述。
  2. 〈及物〉 开出(支票),开给。
    Cheques may be made out to the Foo Bar Company.
  3. 〈及物〉 将…描述为,描绘。
    His version of the story makes me out to be the bad guy. 他说的我跟个坏人似的。
  4. 〈美/俗/不及物〉 热吻或做爱
    We found a secluded spot where we could make out in private. 我们发现一个热吻/做爱的隐秘处。
  5. 〈美/俗/不及物〉 成功,应付,过,产生结果。
    Oh, you were on a TV game show? How did you make out? 你上电视游戏节目了?结果如何?
  6. 〈惯/不及物〉 编造,捏造。
    I had to make out that my car was stolen in order to get any insurance money. 我跟他们说我车被偷了,以骗得保险金。