



词源 1[编辑]

源自中古英语 destitutedestitut,源自拉丁语 dēstitūtus


destitute (比较级 more destitute最高级 most destitute)

  1. (后接介词of) 缺少...的,没有...的
    • 1827, James Fenimore Cooper, The Prairie Chapter 9
      Now, though this region may scarcely be said to be wedded to science, being to all intents a virgin territory as respects the enquirer into natural history, still it is greatly destitute of the treasures of the vegetable kingdom.
    • 1611 King James Bible, Psalms 141:8
      In thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.
  2. 一贫如洗的,身无分文
    • May 24, 2018, Alex Vadukul in The New York Times, The Forgotten Entertainer Rag
      In 1907 he moved from St. Louis to New York City, arriving as a famous composer. But he died a decade later at the age of 49, destitute in an asylum on Wards Island as ragtime was fading in popularity.
    • 1918, Henry Leyford Gates translating Aurora Mardiganian, Ravished Armenia
      according to the most careful estimates, 3,950,000 destitute peoples, mostly women and children who had been driven many of them as far as one thousand miles from home, turn their pitiful faces toward America for help in the reconstructive period in which we are now living.
    • 1841, Charles DickensBarnaby Rudge, Chapter 45
      ‘Do you know how pinched and destitute I am?’ she retorted. ‘I do not think you do, or can. If you had eyes, and could look around you on this poor place, you would have pity on me. []

词源 2[编辑]

源自中古英语 destituten,源自前文的形容词。


destitute (第三人称单数简单现在时 destitutes,现在分词 destituting,一般过去时及过去分词 destituted)

  1. (及物) 剥夺...的财产资源等,使...一贫如洗




  1. dēstitūtus呼格阳性单数