



  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "RP" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 國際音標(幫助)/uːf/, /ʊf/
  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "GA" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 英語發音ūf, 國際音標(幫助)/uf/
  • 文檔
  • 韻部:-uːf, -ʊf


擬聲詞。和荷蘭語 oef德語 uff同源。動詞用法源自 roblox 虛擬人偶死掉後發出的聲音。



  1. (擬聲詞) 一種模仿失去空氣的聲音,彷彿某人的太陽穴剛剛被擊中。
    • 1989 6月 5, The Canberra Times, Australia Captial Territory,頁號 10,列號 2:
      Whap, Biff, Ooooof, Sock, Pow, Zok! Batman is back. Gotham City is again leaving its law and order in the hands of a man who wears plastic underpants over his tights.
      Whap,Biff,Ooooof,Sock,Pow,Zok!《蝙蝠俠》回來了。 哥譚市再次將其法律和秩序交由一個在緊身衣外穿著塑料內褲的男子掌握。
  2. (俚語) ouch (對他人的痛苦表示同情、對高價表示震驚等)之同義詞


oof (複數 oofs)

  1. 因疼痛(如被打了一拳後吐氣)而發出的聲音。
    • 1966, James Workman, The Mad Emperor, Melbourne, Sydney: Scripts,頁號 33:
      The soldier on the ground clutched his head and then his stomach and gave an "oof" of pain.


oof (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 oofs,現在分詞 oofing,一般過去時及過去分詞 oofed)

  1. (電玩遊戲)


ooftish 的截斷形式


oof (不可數)

  1. (英國俚語過時) (約 1850 年 – 約 1940 年)
    • 1888, H. Rider Haggard, Colonel Quaritch V.C. (archive.org ebook), page 232:
      “Oh,” Johnnie was saying, “so Quest is his name, is it, and he lives in a city called Boisingham, does he? Is he an oof bird?” (rich)
      “Rather,” answered the Tiger, “if only one can make the dollars run, but he's a nasty mean boy, he is.
    • 1900, Harry B. Norris, Burlington Bertie (song)
      Burlington Bertie's the latest young jay
      He rents a swell flat somewhere Kensington way
      He spends the good oof that his pater has made
      Along with the Brandy and Soda Brigade.
    • 1911–1912, published 1916, Gilbert Parker, The World For Sale, book 2, chapter 10 (Gutenberg ebook, archive.org ebook):
      What's he after? Oof—oof—oof, that's what he's after. He's for his own pocket, he's for being boss of all the woolly West. He's after keeping us poor and making himself rich.
    • 1991 May 12, "Kidnapped!" Jeeves and Wooster, Series 2, Episode 5:
      Chuffy: It's on a knife edge at the moment, Bertie. If he can get planning permission, old Stoker's going to take this heap off my hands in return for vast amounts of oof.

