



röntgenium (不可數)

  1. roentgenium的罕用寫法
    • 2006, Geoffrey C. Bond, Catherine Louis, David T. Thompson, “Chapter 2. The Physical and Chemical Properties of Gold [第二章 金的理化性质]”, 出自 Graham J. Hutchings 編, Catalysis by Gold [金的催化作用] (Catalytic Science Series — Vol. 6(催化科学系列——第6卷)), 帝國學院出版社, →ISBN, “5. Physical Properties of Gold and Adjacent Elements [§] 1. Bulk properties”(“5. 金和相邻元素的物理特性 [§] 1. 总体性质”),頁號 30:
      Gold crystallises in the face-centred cubic (fcc) habit, its lattice constant being fractionally smaller than that of silver (Tables 2.1 and 2.2.); in compounds and complexes, AuI is smaller than AgI。This is in consequence of the relativistic contraction of the 6s level, and it is expected that it will be even greater with the 7s level; indeed the size of the next element of Group 11 (röntgenium) has been calculated to be no larger than that of copper.
    • 2006 5月, György Inzelt, “2. Standard, Formal, and Other Characteristic Potentials of Selected Electrode Reactions [2. 部分电极反应的标准电位、形式电位和其他特征电位]”, 出自 Inorganic Chemistry [无机化学] (Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry, vol. 7a(电化学百科全书,第7a卷)), 威立-VCH出版社, →ISBN, “11. Group 11 Elements” (“11. 11族元素”),頁號s 43, 47:
      Copper (63.54629Cu), OS: +2, +1, 0; IE: 745.3, 1957.3, 3577.6 kJ mol−1 [] Röntgenium ([272]111Rg) / No data are available.
      铜 (63.54629Cu), OS: +2, +1, 0; IE: 745.3, 1957.3, 3577.6 kJ mol−1 [] ([272]111Rg) / 无可用数据。
    • 2008, H.-J. Kluge, T. Beier, K. Blaum, L. Dahl, S. Eliseev, F. Herfurth, B. Hofmann, O. Kester, S. Koszudowski, C. Kozhuharov, G. Maero, W. Nörtershäuser, J. Pfister, W. Quint, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp, R. Schuch, Th. Stöhlker, R.C. Thompson, M. Vogel, G. Vorobjev, D.F.A. Winters, G. Werth, “Chapter 7. HITRAP: A Facility at GSI for Highly Charged Ions [HITRAP: GSI的高电荷态离子设施]”, 出自 Advances in Quantum Chemistry [量子化学研究进展], 卷 53, 學術出版社, →ISBN, “1. The Present GSI Facility”(1. GSI的现有设施),頁號 84:
      One example is SHIPTRAP, its name originating from the SHIP velocity filter that was used to discover six new elements: 264107Bh (Bohrium, 1981), 269108Hs (Hassium, 1984), 268109Mt (Meitnerium, 1982), 271110Ds (Darmstadtium, 1994), 272111Rg (Röntgenium, 1994), and 277112Uub (Ununbium, 1996).
      其中一个例子是SHIPTRAP,它的名字来源于SHIP速度滤波器,它被用来发现六个新元素:264107Bh (𨨏, 1981)、269108Hs (𨭆, 1984)、268109Mt (䥑, 1982)、271110Ds (鐽, 1994)、272111Rg (, 1994),以及277112Uub (Ununbium后来命名为鎶, 1996)。
    • Module:Quote第2185行Lua错误:|title= is an alias of |chapter=; cannot specify a value for both
    • [2010, Sam Kean, “Notes and Errata [注释和勘误表]”, 出自 The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements [消失的湯匙:一部來自週期表的愛恨情仇傳奇與世界史], 道布尔戴出版社, 出版於 2011, →ISBN,頁號 366:
      p. 237, “spelling disagreement”: Aside from differences between languages, other spelling discrepancies within a language occur with cesium, which the British tend to spell “caesium,” and sulfur, which many people still spell “sulphur.” You could make a case that element 110 should be spelled mendeleevium, not mendelevium, and that element 111 should be spelled röntgenium, not roentgenium.
    • [2010, Roger Jones, Mike Ware, “[349] Ghiorsium”, 出自 What’s Who?: A Dictionary of things named after people and the people they are named after [谁是谁?以人名命名的事物及命名源头之人的词典], New版, Matador (Troubador Publishing Ltd), →ISBN,頁號s 146–147:
      The reader who has encountered any of the entries for: curium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium, nobelium, lawrencium, rutherfordium, seaborgium, bohrium, meitnerium and röntgenium, will have realised that it is a mark of the highest distinction in science to have a chemical element named after one.
    • 2013, Jim Hay, “Roentgenium []”, 出自 Radical Elements [激进的元素], 绗缝艺术工作室协会, →ISBN,頁號 78:
      I research Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. He discovered X-rays in 1895 and first tested them on his wife’s hand. She exclaimed, “I can see my death.” He received a Nobel Prize in Physics and Röntgenium was named in his honor.
    • [2015, Arati S Panchbhai, “Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the discovery of X-rays: Revisited after centennial [威廉·康拉德·伦琴和X射线的发现:百年之后的重新审视]”, 出自 Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology [印度口腔医学与放射学学会杂志], 卷 27, 期 1, 《医学知识》杂志社, “Honors and Awards”(“荣誉与奖项”),頁號 94:
      After his discovery the University of Würzburg awarded an honorary Doctor of Medicine degree to Röntgen. The element number 111 was named Röntgenium (Rg) in his honor, in November 2004.
    • [2016, Ervin B. Podgoršak, “Appendix C: Short Biographies of Scientists Whose Work is Discussed in This Book [附录C:本书所讨论的科学家的简短传记]”, 出自 Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists [医学物理师的辐射物理学] (Graduate Texts in Physics(物理学研究生教材)), third版, 施普林格, →ISBN, “RÖNTGEN, Wilhelm Konrad (1845–1923)(“威廉·康拉德·伦琴 (1845–1923)”),頁號 867:
      In tribute to Röntgen’s contributions to modern physics the element with the atomic number 111 was named röntgenium (Rg).
    • 2019, “1. The atom [1. 原子]”, 出自 Chemistry for Biomedicine (CHEM10006) [生物医药化学 (CHEM10006)], 墨尔本大学, “4. The periodic table of the elements”(4. 元素周期表), “Naming the elements”(“元素命名”),頁號 18:
      TABLE 1.4 People after whom elements have been named. / [] / [“Name”] Wilhelm Röntgen (1845–1923) [“Brief biography”] German physicist; discoverer of X-rays; winner of the inaugural Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 [“Element named”] röntgenium, Rg (element 111)
      表1.4 以人名命名的元素名称。 / [] / [“姓名”] 威廉·伦琴(1845-1923) [“简介”] 德国物理学家;X射线的发现者;1901年首届诺贝尔物理学奖得主 [“命名元素”] ,Rg(元素111)。
    • [2019, Alexander Senning, “6. The naming of the elements [6. 元素命名]”, 出自 The Etymology of Chemical Names: Tradition and Convenience vs. Rationality in Chemical Nomenclature [化学名称的词源:化学命名法中的传统、便利性对阵命名的合理性], 德古意特出版社, →ISBN, “4. The ‘newest’ elements [§] 1. Eponyms” (“4. ‘最新’的元素 [§] 1. 名祖”),頁號 252:
      Roentgenium (Rg, element 111), after the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845–1923). One should note that an etymologically correct eponym would have been röntgenium.
    • [2019, Robert Eichler, “The Periodic Table of Elements: Superheavy in Chemistry [元素周期表:化学领域中的超重元素]”, 出自 Nuclear Physics News [核物理学新闻], 卷 29, 期 1,頁號 11:
      The individual names of these elements, are: Rutherfordium (Rf, Z = 104), dubnium (Db, Z = 105), seaborgium (Sg, Z = 106), bohrium (Bh, Z = 107), hassium (Hs, Z = 108), meitnerium (Mt, Z = 109), darmstadtium (Ds, Z = 110), röntgenium (Rg, Z = 111), copernicium (Cn, Z = 112), nihonium (Nh, Z = 113), flerovium (Fl, Z = 114), moscovium (Mc, Z = 115), livermorium (Lv, Z = 116), tennessine (Ts, Z = 117), oganesson (Og, Z = 118).
      这些元素的名称分别是:鑪(Rf,Z=104)、𨧀(Db,Z=105)、𨭎(Sg,Z=106)、𨨏(Bh,Z=107)、𨭆(Hs,Z=108)、䥑(Mt,Z=109)、鐽(Ds,Z=110)、(Rg,Z = 111)、鎶(Cn,Z = 112)、鉨(Nh,Z = 113)、鈇(Fl,Z = 114)、鏌(Mc,Z = 115)、鉝(Lv,Z = 116)、鿬(Ts,Z = 117)、鿫(Og,Z = 118)]



維基百科 fi
前:darmstadtium (Ds)
後:kopernikium (Cn)


國際詞(參見英語 roentgenium)。




röntgenium (Kotus 變格類型 5/risti,無層級變化)的變格
主格 röntgenium röntgeniumit
屬格 röntgeniumin röntgeniumien
部分格 röntgeniumiä röntgeniumejä
入格 röntgeniumiin röntgeniumeihin
單數 複數
主格 röntgenium röntgeniumit
賓格 nom. röntgenium röntgeniumit
gen. röntgeniumin
屬格 röntgeniumin röntgeniumien
部分格 röntgeniumiä röntgeniumejä
內格 röntgeniumissä röntgeniumeissä
出格 röntgeniumistä röntgeniumeistä
入格 röntgeniumiin röntgeniumeihin
所格 röntgeniumillä röntgeniumeillä
奪格 röntgeniumiltä röntgeniumeiltä
向格 röntgeniumille röntgeniumeille
樣格 röntgeniuminä röntgeniumeinä
變格 röntgeniumiksi röntgeniumeiksi
具格 röntgeniumein
缺格 röntgeniumittä röntgeniumeittä
共格 röntgeniumeineen
röntgenium所有格形式 (變格類型 risti)
所有者 單數 複數
第一人稱 röntgeniumini röntgeniumimme
第二人稱 röntgeniumisi röntgeniuminne
第三人稱 röntgeniuminsä


維基百科 sv
前:darmstadtium (Ds)
後:copernicium (Cn)


röntgenium n (不可數)
