






借自低地蘇格蘭語 stalwart,受到了Walter Scott沃尔特·司各特)的影响,取代了早期的stalworth,它也是本词的同源对似词。源自中古英語 stal-worth (强壮的,威猛的;勇敢的),源自古英語 stǣlwierþe (状态好的,能使用的)[1],可能源自staþol (机构)(最终源自原始印歐語 *steh₂- ())或者stǣl (地方;状态,条件) + -wierþe (表示“能够做...”的后缀)(可能最终源自原始印歐語 *wert- ())。





stalwart (比較級 more stalwart最高級 most stalwart)

  1. 结实的,健壮
  2. 勇敢
    • 1832 October, “Art II.— History of the Italian Language and Dialects. Saggi di Prose e Poesie de’ più celebri Scrittori d’ogni Secolo. VI. vol. 8vo. (Selected by L. Nardini and S. Buonaiuti。) In Londra. 1798.”, 出自 The North American Review, 第 XXXV 卷, 第 LXXVII 期, Boston, Mass.: Gray and Bowen, [], →OCLC301–302 頁s:
      Many other learned men of the age followed him [Romolo Amaseo] to the field, and contended with much zeal for the cause of the Latin; some even went so far as to wish the Italian completely banished entirely from the world. But stalwart champions were not wanting on the other side; and, to be brief, the impulse of public opinion soon swept away all opposition, and the popular cause was triumphant.
    • 1842, E[dward] Howard, 章號 XXXI, 出自 Sir Henry Morgan, the Buccaneer, Paris: Baudry's European Library, [] and Stassin and Xavier, [], →OCLC241:
      Now Tomlins always acted as Morgan's major domo in tent or quarters, and was also a stalwart hand either against ox, sheep, or enemy.
  3. 毅然的,可靠









stalwart (複數 stalwarts)

  1. 强壮的人
  2. 坚定支持者,(理想思想理念等的)坚定追随
    • 1920?, [Lala] Lajpat Rai, “A Fight for Crumbs”, 出自 The Call to Young India, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India: S. Ganesan & Co., →OCLC68–69 頁s:
      Too much authority, blind authority, mere authority, whether that of the Prince or the priest, of the Raja or the Nabob, of the oligarch or the official, of the wealty and the prosperous is the bane of Indian life, yet these stalwarts of reform always take shelter behind big names.
    • 1954年8月17日, Thomas Leonard Hayman, “Financial Statement”, 出自 New Zealand Parliamentary Debates: Fifth Session, Thirtieth Parliament: House of Representatives, 第 304 (Comprising the Period from 6 August to 1 October 1954) 卷, Wellington, N.Z.: By authority; R. E. Owen, government printer, 出版於 1955, →OCLC1200:
      But I am sure there must be a great many Socialists who would fairly turn in their graves if they knew how their successors in the Labour Party were "ratting" on the policy laid down by the old stalwarts.
  3. 可靠的人
    • 2017年10月14日, Paul Doyle, “Mauricio Pellegrino yet to find attacking solution for stuttering Southampton: Nothing so far this season suggests the Argentinian will be more successful than Claude Puel in finding the answer to the club’s continuing lack of firepower”, 出自 The Guardian[1], London,於10 November 2017歸檔自原頁面:
      Other erstwhile stalwarts are also wavering. Southampton had two of the best full-backs in the league last season but Ryan Bertrand has been below par this season and Cédric Soares made an uncharacteristic lapse that led to Stoke's winning goal in Southampton's last outing.
    • 2021年12月2日, Margaret Fuhrer, “Mothers of Reinvention: The Lab Pivots as Studios Close”, 出自 The New York Times[2], →ISSN:
      In August, the Los Angeles-area stalwart the Lab also closed its dance space, a 12,000-square-foot location in West Covina.


  1. stal-worth, adj.”在《MED Online》上的資料,Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007,retrieved 13 March 2018。









源自中古英語 stalwardestelewurthe,源自古英語 stǣlwierþe (能够使用的)。与英語 stalworth同源。



stalwart (比較級 mair stalwart最高級 maist stalwart)

  1. 强壮的,健壮
  2. 勇猛


  • 英語: stalwart