






源自拉丁語 mellifluus (像蜂蜜一样流动的),源自mel (蜂蜜) + fluō ()。对比superfluousfluid,两者源自同一词根,亦对比dulcet (甜言蜜语),另一个词义相近的拉丁语由来词。





mellifluous (比較級 more mellifluous最高級 most mellifluous)

  1. 蜂蜜一样流动
  2. (比喻義) 甜美悦耳的,动听形容人的声音、腔调及写作风格等
    • 1671, John Milton, “(please specify the page)”, 出自 Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, 倫敦: [] J[ohn] M[acock] for John Starkey [], →OCLC:
      [] Socrates [] Wisest of men; from whose mouth issued forth / Mellifluous streams that water'd all the schools / Of Academicks old and new []
    • 1853, Sir Egerton Brydges, Life of Milton:
      No verses can be more mellifluous than Petrarch's: something of this will perhaps be attributed to the softness of the Italian language; but the English tongue is also capable of it, however obstinately Johnson may have pronounced otherwise.
    • 2016年5月19日, Rachel Aroesti, “Richard Ashcroft: These People review”, 出自 The Guardian[1]:
      Certainly, he returns explicitly to the sound of Urban Hymns on his fourth solo album: neat, sad strings, unhurried percussion and his mellifluous foghorn of a voice.
    • 2017年10月20日, Ben Beaumont-Thomas, “In dreams: Roy Orbison hologram to embark on UK tour in 2018”, 出自 The Guardian[2]:
      His iconic look, mellifluous croon and timeless songwriting means that he retains a strong fanbase.
    • 2022年7月12日, Simon Montlake, “In Jan. 6 spotlight, Mike Pence navigates a tricky post-Trump path”, 出自 The Christian Science Monitor:
      Radio proved a perfect fit for the mellifluous tones of Mr. Pence, who called himself “Rush Limbaugh on decaf.”



勿与melliferous (吸引蜜蜂的;产蜜的)相混淆。



