[编辑]词源 1
[编辑]hulking (無比較級)
- 巨大的
- 2001, Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl,第 212 頁:
- A hulking shape burst through the doorway and hurtled down the corridor, leaving a maelstrom of air currents in his wake.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 笨重的
词源 2
[编辑]hulking (複數 hulkings)
- 一種用作海防的斜坡堤
- 1953, The Institution of Civil Engineers, Proceedings (volume 2, part 2, page 513)
- The sand-hills have permanently disappeared from many parts of the coast and have been replaced by clay embankments, timber hulkings, and, during the pre-war years, by mass-concrete stepwork.
- 1953, The Institution of Civil Engineers, Proceedings (volume 2, part 2, page 513)