[编辑]- Muhammadan, Mahometan, Mahomedan, Mahommedan, Muhammedan, Mohamedan, Muhamedan, Mohametan, Mahommetan, Mohammetan, Moohummudan
[编辑]Mohammed + -an,早期作 Mahometan,最早見於17世紀。
[编辑]Mohammedan (複數 Mohammedans)
- (現基本棄用和冒犯) 穆斯林,回教徒
- 1905, “Mosque”, 出自 The New International Encyclopædia, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company:
- MOSQUE (Fr. mosquée, from Sp. mezquita, from Ar. masjid, temple, from sajada, to prostrate one's self, to pray). A Mohammedan house of prayer and worship. Examples of these buildings are found wherever the Mohammedan faith has prevailed, from Spain to India and Turkestan.
- MOSQUE(清真寺,法語 mosquée,來自西班牙語 mezquita,來自阿拉伯語 masjid“寺廟”,來自 sajada“俯伏在地,祈祷”)。伊斯兰教祈祷和礼拜场所。从西班牙到印度和突厥斯坦,只要是伊斯兰信仰盛行的地方,都可以找到这种建筑。
- Rule 45, Prison Rules (Cap. 234, sub. leg. A)
- Mohammedan prisoners shall be allowed to observe the fast of Ramadan and during the fast shall be required to labour at such reduced task as the Medical Officer considers proper.
- 回教囚犯須獲准守齋月,守齋期間只須從事醫生認為是適當的和經削減的工作。
[编辑]Mohammedan (無比較級)
- (現基本棄用和冒犯) 伊斯蘭的
- 1950 February, W. Dendy, “Impressions of the Indian Railways—3”, 出自 Railway Magazine,第 119 頁:
- At the principal stations there are also separate Hindu and Mohemmedan refreshment rooms, and some mail trains have compartments reserved for Indian tea and sweetmeat vendors.
- 在主要车站,还设有独立的印度教和伊斯兰茶点室,一些邮政列车还为印度茶和甜食摊贩保留了隔间。
- 穆罕默德的
[编辑]參見 Mohammedanism。