

local labels = {}
local aliases = {}
local deprecated = {}
local replacements = {
	labels = {},
	aliases = {},
	deprecated = {},

--  協助標籤

labels['_'] = {
	display = '',
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['亦'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['also'] = '亦'

labels['和'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['與'] = '和'
aliases['及'] = '和'
aliases['&'] = '和'
aliases['and'] = '和'

labels['或'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['or'] = '或'

labels[';'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
	omit_preSpace = true,

labels['由'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['by'] = '由'

labels['抽象名詞'] = {
	display = "抽象",
	pos_categories = { "抽象名詞" },
aliases['抽象'] = '抽象名詞'
aliases['abstract'] = '抽象名詞'
aliases['abstract noun'] = '抽象名詞'

labels['跟'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['with'] = '跟'
labels['+'] = '跟'

-- 與「except in」、「outside」組合?或者保留在「wnuczę」之類的條目?
labels['除了'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['except'] = '除了'

labels['以外'] = {
	omit_preComma = true,
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['except in'] = '以外'
aliases['outside'] = '以外'

-- 修飾標籤

labels['主要用於'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['主要'] = '主要用於'
aliases['主要是'] = '主要用於'
aliases['主要是用於'] = '主要用於'
aliases['大多'] = '主要用於'
aliases['大多是'] = '主要用於'
aliases['大多用於'] = '主要用於'
aliases['大多是用於'] = '主要用於'
aliases['多半'] = '主要用於'
aliases['多半是'] = '主要用於'
aliases['多半用於'] = '主要用於'
aliases['多半是用於'] = '主要用於'
aliases['chiefly'] = '主要用於'
aliases['mainly'] = '主要用於'
aliases['mostly'] = '主要用於'
aliases['primarily'] = '主要用於'

labels['特別用於'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['特別'] = '特別用於'
labels['特別是'] = '特別用於'
labels['特別是用於'] = '特別用於'
labels['尤其'] = '特別用於'
labels['尤其是'] = '主要用於'
labels['尤其用於'] = '特別用於'
labels['尤其是用於'] = '特別用於'
labels['especially'] = '特別用於'

labels['不包括'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['不包'] = '不包括'
labels['excluding'] = '不包括'

labels['極度'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['極其'] = '極度'
labels['極'] = '極度'
labels['extremely'] = '極度'

labels['頻繁用於'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['頻繁'] = '頻繁用於'
labels['頻繁地用於'] = '頻繁用於'
labels['frequently'] = '頻繁用於'

labels["高度"] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
} -- 例如「高度非標準」
labels['高'] = '高度'
labels['highly'] = '高度'

labels['包括'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
labels['包'] = '包括'
labels['including'] = '包括'

labels['許多'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
} -- 例如「許多方言」
labels['多'] = '許多'
labels['很多'] = '許多'
labels['好多'] = '許多'
labels['many'] = '許多'

labels['markedly'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['mildly'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['現'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases['nowadays'] = '現'
aliases['now'] = '現'
aliases['现'] = '現'

labels['現已'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['of'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['of a'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['of an'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['源自'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['可能'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['罕用'] = {
aliases['罕'] = '罕用'

labels['稍微'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases["slightly"] = "稍微"
aliases["輕微"] = "稍微"

labels['有時'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases["sometimes"] = "有時"

labels['somewhat'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['strongly'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,

labels['typically'] = {
	display = "尤其",
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases["尤其"] = "typically"
aliases["尤"] = "typically"

labels['經常'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases["usually"] = "經常"
aliases["通常"] = "經常"
aliases["時常"] = "經常"
aliases["常"] = "經常"
aliases["often"] = "經常"

labels['非常'] = {
	omit_postComma = true,
aliases["very"] = "非常"
aliases["十分"] = "非常"

-- 文法標籤

labels["縮寫"] = {
	display = "[[縮寫]]",
	pos_categories = { "縮寫" },
aliases["abbreviation"] = "縮寫"

labels["acronym"] = {
	display = "[[首字母縮略詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "首字母縮略詞" },

labels["active"] = {
	Wikipedia = "主動語態",
aliases["active voice"] = "active"
aliases["in the active"] = "active"

labels["ambitransitive"] = {
	display = "[[及物動詞|及物]]、[[不及物動詞|不及物]]",
	pos_categories = { "及物動詞", "不及物動詞" },

labels["archaic-verb-form"] = {
	glossary = "archaic",
	pos_categories = { "archaic verb forms" },

labels["attributive"] = {
	display = "定語",

aliases["attributively"] = "attributive"
aliases["定語"] = "attributive"

labels["助動詞"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "助動詞" }
aliases["auxiliary"] = "助動詞"

labels["by ellipsis"] = {
	display = "[[省略]]",
	pos_categories = { "省略形式" },

labels["by extension"] = {}

labels["cardinal"] = {
	display = "[[基數詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "基數詞" },
deprecated["ordinal"] = true

labels["causative"] = {
	display = "[[使役動詞]]" }

labels["cognate object"] = {
	display = "與[[w:en:Cognate object|同源賓語]]連用",
	pos_categories = { "與同源賓語連用的動詞" },
aliases["with cognate object"] = "cognate object"

labels["collective"] = {
	display = "集合名詞",
	pos_categories = { "集合名詞" },

labels["collectively"] = {
	display = "集合名詞",
	pos_categories = { "集合名詞" },

labels["control verb"] = {
	Wikipedia = true,
	pos_categories = { "控制動詞" },
aliases["control"] = "control verb"

labels["common"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["comparable"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["copulative"] = {
	display = "[[系動詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "系動詞" },
aliases["copular"] = "copulative"

labels["可數"] = {
	display = "[[可數名詞|可數]]",
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "可數名詞" },

aliases["countable"] = "可數"

labels["雙及物"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "雙及物動詞" },
aliases["ditransitive"] = "雙及物"
aliases["双及物"] = "雙及物"

labels["emphatic"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["作格"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "作格動詞" },
aliases["ergative"] = "作格"

labels["feminine"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["focus"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "焦點副詞" },

labels["fractional"] = {
	pos_categories = { "分數" },

labels["模糊限制語"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "模糊限制語" },
aliases["hedges"] = "模糊限制語"
aliases["hedge"] = "模糊限制語"

labels["俗語"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "俗語" },
aliases["idiom"] = "俗語"
aliases["idiomatic"] = "俗語"

labels["snowclone"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "snowclones" },

labels["無人稱"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "無人稱動詞" },
aliases["impersonal"] = "無人稱"

labels["in the singular"] = {
	display = "以[[單數]]形式",
aliases["in singular"] = "in the singular"

labels["in the dual"] = {
	display = "以[[雙數]]形式",
aliases["in dual"] = "in the dual"

labels["in the plural"] = {
	display = "以[[複數]]形式",
aliases["in plural"] = "in the plural"

labels["in the mediopassive"] = {
	display = "以[[中間被動語態]]形式" }
aliases["in mediopassive"] = "in the mediopassive"
aliases["mediopassive"] = "in the mediopassive"

labels["inanimate"] = {
	glossary = true

aliases["indef"] = "indefinite"

labels["initialism"] = {
	display = "[[首字母縮略詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "首字母縮略詞" },

labels["不及物"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "不及物動詞" },
aliases["intransitive"] = "不及物"

labels["IPA"] = {
	Wikipedia = "國際音標",
	plain_categories = { "國際音標符號" },
aliases["International Phonetic Alphabet"] = "IPA"
aliases["國際音標"] = "IPA"
aliases["国际音标"] = "IPA"

labels["not comparable"] = {
	glossary = true
aliases["notcomp"] = "not comparable"
aliases["uncomparable"] = "not comparable"

labels["masculine"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["middle"] = {
	Wikipedia = "Voice (grammar)#Middle",
aliases["middle voice"] = "middle"
aliases["in the middle"] = "middle"
aliases["in the middle voice"] = "middle"

labels["mnemonic"] = {
	display = '[[助記符]]',
	pos_categories = { "助記符" },

labels["neuter"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["擬聲詞"] = {
	display = "[[擬聲詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "擬聲詞" },
aliases["onomatopoeia"] = "擬聲詞"
aliases["擬聲"] = "擬聲詞"

labels["序數詞"] = {
	pos_categories = { "序數詞" },
aliases["ordinal"] = "序數詞"
aliases["序數"] = "序數詞"

deprecated["ordinal"] = true

deprecated["plural"] = true

labels["passive"] = {
	Wikipedia = "被動語態",
aliases["passive voice"] = "passive"
aliases["in the passive"] = "passive"

labels["唯複"] = {
	pos_categories = { "唯複名詞" },
aliases["唯複名詞"] = "唯複"
aliases["僅限複數"] = "唯複"
aliases["pluralonly"] = "唯複"
aliases["plural only"] = "唯複"
aliases["plurale tantum"] = "唯複"
aliases["pluralia tantum"] = "唯複"

labels["possessive pronoun"] = {
	display = "所有格",
	pos_categories = { "所有格代詞" },

labels["postpositive"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["productive"] = {
	display = "[[生産性]]" }

-- TODO: This label is probably inappropriate for many languages
labels["pronominal"] = {
	display = "使用[[反身代詞]]",

labels["pro-verb"] = {
	Wikipedia = true

labels["reciprocal"] = {
	display = "[[reciprocal]]" }

labels["反身"] = {
	display = "[[反身]]",
	pos_categories = { "反身動詞" },
aliases["自反"] = "反身"
aliases["reflexive"] = "反身"
aliases["反身動詞"] = "反身"

labels["關係形容詞"] = {
	display = "[[Appendix:Glossary#關係形容詞|關係形容詞]]",
	pos_categories = { "關係形容詞" },
aliases["relational"] = "關係形容詞"
aliases["關係"] = "關係形容詞"

labels["rhetorical question"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "反問詞" },

labels["set phrase"] = {
	display = "[[成語]]" }

labels["明喻"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "明喻詞" },
aliases["simile"] = "明喻"
aliases["明喻詞"] = "明喻"

deprecated["singular"] = true

labels["唯單"] = {
	pos_categories = { "唯單名詞" },
aliases["唯單名詞"] = "唯單"
aliases["singular only"] = "唯單"
aliases["singulare tantum"] = "唯單"
aliases["no plural"] = "唯單"

labels["靜態動詞"] = {
	Wikipedia = "靜態動詞",
	pos_categories = { "靜態動詞" },
aliases["靜態"] = "靜態動詞"
aliases["stative"] = "靜態動詞"
aliases["stative verb"] = "靜態動詞"

labels["及物"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "及物動詞" },
aliases["transitive"] = "及物"

labels["unaccusative"] = {
	Wikipedia = "en:Unaccusative verb",

labels["不可數"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "不可數名詞" },
aliases["uncountable"] = "不可數"
aliases["不可数"] = "不可數"

labels["unergative"] = {
	Wikipedia = "非作格動詞",

labels["usually plural"] = {
	display = "常用[[複數]]",
aliases["usually in the plural"] = "usually plural"
aliases["usually in plural"] = "usually plural"
aliases["常用複數"] = "usually plural"

-- 用處標籤

labels["ACG"] = {
	display = "[[ACG]]",
	-- see also "fandom slang"
	pos_categories = { "粉絲用語" },

labels["廣告用語"] = {
	display = "廣告用語",
	pos_categories = { "廣告用語" },
aliases["advertising slang"] = "廣告用語"
aliases["ad slang"] = "廣告用語"
aliases["cosmo"] = "廣告用語"

labels["愛稱"] = {
	display = "[[愛稱]]",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "愛稱" },
aliases["endearing"] = "愛稱"
aliases["affectionate"] = "愛稱"

labels["古舊"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "古舊用語" },
aliases["archaic"] = "古舊"
aliases["古體"] = "古舊"
aliases["古"] = "古舊"

labels["Australian slang"] = {
	regional_categories = { "Australian" },
	plain_categories = { "Australian slang" },

labels["avoidance"] = {
	glossary = true

labels["Braille"] = {
	Wikipedia = true,

labels["British slang"] = {
	plain_categories = { "British slang" },
aliases["UK slang"] = "British slang"

labels["buzzword"] = {
	display = "[[buzzword]]",
	pos_categories = { "buzzwords" },

labels["Cambridge University slang"] = {
	plain_categories = { "Cambridge University slang" },
aliases["Cambridge University"] = "Cambridge University slang"

labels["黑話"] = {
	display = "[[黑話]]",
	pos_categories = { "黑話" },
aliases["cant"] = "黑話"

labels["大寫"] = {
	display = "[[大寫]]" }
aliases["capitalized"] = "大寫"

labels["兒童"] = {
	display = "兒童用語",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "兒童用語" },
aliases["baby talk"] = "兒童"
aliases["child language"] = "兒童"
aliases["childish"] = "兒童"
aliases["兒語"] = "兒童"

labels["喃字"] = {
	display = "[[喃字]]",
	plain_categories = { "越南語漢字" },
aliases["Chu Nom"] = "喃字"
aliases["chu nom"] = "喃字"
aliases["字喃"] = "喃字"

labels["Classic 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue"] = {
	display = "[[Appendix:Glossary#archaic|archaic]], [[Appendix:Glossary#slang|slang]]",
	plain_categories = { "Classic 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue" },
aliases["1811"] = "Classic 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue"

labels["Cockney rhyming slang"] = {
	display = "[[Cockney rhyming slang]]",
	plain_categories = { "Cockney rhyming slang" },

labels["口語"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "口語詞" },
aliases["口"] = "口語"
aliases["colloquial"] = "口語"
aliases["colloquially"] = "口語"

labels["colloquial-um"] = {
	glossary = "colloquial",
	pos_categories = { "colloquialisms containing sequence um" },

labels["colloquial-un"] = {
	glossary = "colloquial",
	pos_categories = { "colloquialisms containing sequence un" },

labels["過時"] = {
	glossary = true,
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "過時用語" },

aliases["dated"] = "過時"
aliases["舊"] = "過時"

labels["過時形式"] = {
	glossary = "過時",
	pos_categories = { "過時形式" },
aliases["dated forms"] = "過時形式"

labels["過時詞語"] = {
	glossary = "過時",
	pos_categories = { "過時詞語" },
} -- combine with previous
aliases["dated sense"] = "過時詞語"

labels["貶義"] = {
	display = "[[貶義]]",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "貶義用語" },

aliases["derogatory"] = "貶義"
aliases["贬"] = "貶義"
aliases["贬义"] = "貶義"
aliases["貶抑"] = "貶義"
aliases["貶"] = "貶義"

labels["方言"] = {
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "方言用語" },
aliases["dialect"] = "方言"
aliases["dialectal"] = "方言"
aliases["regional"] = "方言"--暫時地,因為[[Module:Labels/data/regional]]會讓“方言”出現在語言名稱前面
aliases["方"] = "方言"

labels["dismissal"] = {
	display = "[[dismissal]]",
	pos_categories = { "dismissals" },

labels["ethnic slur"] = {
	display = "帶[[種族歧視]]",
	pos_categories = { "種族歧視語" },
aliases["racial slur"] = "ethnic slur"
aliases["種族歧視"] = "ethnic slur"
aliases["种族歧视"] = "ethnic slur"

labels["委婉"] = {
	glossary = "euphemism",
	pos_categories = { "委婉詞" },
aliases["euphemism"] = "委婉"
aliases["euphemistic"] = "委婉"
aliases["婉"] = "委婉"

labels["視覺方言"] = {
    glossary = "eye dialect",
	pos_categories = { "視覺方言" },
aliases["eye dialect"] = "視覺方言"

labels["familiar"] = {
	glossary = true,
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "familiar terms" },

labels["粉絲用語"] = {
	pos_categories = { "粉絲用語" },
aliases["fandom"] = "粉絲用語"
aliases["fandom slang"] = "粉絲用語"

labels["比喻"] = {
	glossary = "比喻"
aliases["喻"] = "比喻"
aliases["figuratively"] = "比喻"
aliases["figurative"] = "比喻"
aliases["metaphorically"] = "比喻"
aliases["metaphorical"] = "比喻"
aliases["metaphor"] = "比喻"

labels["正式"] = {
	display = "正式",
	glossary = true,
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "正式用語" },
aliases["formal"] = "正式"

labels["同性戀俚語"] = {
	pos_categories = { "LGBT用語" },

labels["歷史"] = {
	display = "歷史",
	glossary = true,
	sense_categories = { "歷史" },
aliases["史"] = "歷史"
aliases["historic"] = "歷史"
aliases["history"] = "歷史"
aliases["historical"] = "歷史"

-- used exclusively by languages that use the “Jpan” script code
labels["historical hiragana"] = {
	pos_categories = { "歷史平假名" },

-- used exclusively by languages that use the “Jpan” script code
labels["historical katakana"] = {
	pos_categories = { "歷史片假名" },

-- 用於日語和朝鮮語等,請勿與"禮貌"混淆。
labels["敬語"] = {
	Wikipedia = "敬語",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "敬語" },
aliases["honorific"] = "敬語"

-- 古希臘語
labels['Homeric epithet'] = {
  display = "[[Homeric Greek|Homeric]] [[w:Homeric epithets|epithet]]",
  omit_postComma = true,

-- applies to Japanese and Korean, etc.
labels["謙遜"] = {
	display = "謙遜",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "謙遜用語" },
aliases["humble"] = "謙遜"
aliases["謙虛"] = "謙遜"

labels["幽默"] = {
	display = "幽默",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp; NB and cf a similar "jocular" label further up on this page
	pos_categories = { "幽默用語" },
aliases["jocular"] = "幽默"
aliases["humorous"] = "幽默"

labels["誇飾"] = {
	pos_categories = { "誇飾詞" },
aliases["hyperbole"] = "誇飾"

labels["hypercorrect"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "hypercorrections" },

labels["hyperforeign"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "hyperforeign terms" },

labels["非正式"] = {
	glossary = true,
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "非正式用語" },
aliases["informally"] = "非正式"
aliases["informal"] = "非正式"
aliases["不正式"] = "非正式"

labels["網路用語"] = {
	pos_categories = { "網路用語" },
aliases["internet slang"] = "網路用語"
aliases["Internet slang"] = "網路用語"
aliases["网络用语"] = "網路用語"
aliases["网络俚语"] = "網路用語"
aliases["網路俚語"] = "網路用語"
aliases["網路流行語"] = "網路用語"
aliases["網路流行用語"] = "網路用語"

labels["IRC"] = {
	display = "[[IRC]]",
	pos_categories = { "網路用語" },

labels["ironic"] = {}

labels["leet"] = {
	display = "[[leetspeak]]",
	pos_categories = { "leet" },
aliases["leetspeak"] = "leet"

labels['字面義'] = {
	glossary = "字面義"
aliases['字面'] = '字面義'
aliases['literally'] = '字面義'
aliases['literal'] = '字面義'

labels["書面"] = {
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "書面用語" },
aliases["bookish"] = "書面"
aliases["literary"] = "書面"
aliases["書"] = "書面"

labels["loosely"] = {
	display = "[[loosely#Adverb|loosely]]" }

labels["Lubunyaca"] = {
	display = "[[Lubunyaca]]",
	pos_categories = { "Lubunyaca" },

labels["medical slang"] = {
	pos_categories = { "medical slang" },

-- for Awetí, Karajá, etc., where men and women use different words
labels["男性用語"] = {
	glossary = "男性用語",
	pos_categories = { "男性用語" },
aliases["men's speech"] = "男性用語"
aliases["male speech"] = "男性用語"

labels["metonymically"] = {
	display = "[[w:轉喻|轉喻]]",
	pos_categories = { "轉喻" },
aliases["metonymic"] = "metonymically"
aliases["metonymy"] = "metonymically"
aliases["metonym"] = "metonymically"

labels["軍事俚語"] = {
	pos_categories = { "軍事俚語" },
aliases["military slang"] = "軍事俚語"

labels["minced oath"] = {
	display = "[[minced oath]]",
	pos_categories = { "euphemisms" },

labels["新詞"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "新詞" },
aliases["neologism"] = "新詞"
aliases["neologistic"] = "新詞"

labels["New Julfa"] = {
	regional_categories = { "New Julfa" },
aliases["Jugha"] = "New Julfa"

labels["no longer productive"] = {
	display = "no longer [[Appendix:Glossary#productive|productive]]",

labels["臨時語"] = {
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
	pos_categories = { "臨時語" },
aliases["nonce"] = "臨時語"
aliases["nonce word"] = "臨時語"

labels["非標準"] = {
	glossary = true,
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "非標準用語" },
aliases["non-standard"] = "非標準"
aliases["nonstandard"] = "非標準"

labels["非標準形式"] = {
	glossary = "nonstandard",
	pos_categories = { "非標準用語" },

labels["棄用"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "棄用詞語" },

labels["棄用詞語"] = {
	glossary = "棄用",
	-- combine with previous two, q.v.
	pos_categories = { "棄用詞語" },
aliases["廢棄"] = "棄用"
aliases["廢"] = "棄用"
aliases["棄"] = "棄用"
aliases["obsolete"] = "棄用"

labels["冒犯"] = {
	display = "[[冒犯]]",
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "冒犯用語" },
aliases["offensive"] = "冒犯"
aliases["冒犯性"] = "冒犯"

labels["公文"] = {
	display = "[[公文]]",
	pos_categories = { "公文用語" },
aliases["officialese"] = "公文"

labels["Oxbridge slang"] = {
	display = "[[Oxbridge]] slang",
	plain_categories = { "Cambridge University slang", "Oxford University slang" },
aliases["Oxbridge"] = "Oxbridge slang"

labels["Oxford University slang"] = {
	plain_categories = { "Oxford University slang" },
aliases["Oxford University"] = "Oxford University slang"

labels["貶義"] = {
	display = "[[貶義]]",
	pos_categories = { "貶義用語" },
aliases["disparaging"] = "貶義"
aliases["pejorative"] = "貶義"
aliases["貶"] = "貶義"

labels["詩歌"] = {
	-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
	pos_categories = { "詩歌語" },
aliases["poetic"] = "詩歌"

labels["Polari"] = {
	display = "[[Polari]]",
	pos_categories = { "Polari slang" },

labels["禮貌"] = {
	pos_categories = { "禮貌用語" },
aliases["礼貌"] = "禮貌"
aliases["禮"] = "禮貌"
aliases["礼貌"] = "禮貌"
aliases["polite"] = "禮貌"

labels["post-classical"] = {
	display = "post-classical",
	regional_categories = { "Post-classical" },
aliases["Post-classical"] = "post-classical"
aliases["post-Classical"] = "post-classical"
aliases["Post-Classical"] = "post-classical"
aliases["Postclassical"] = "post-classical"
aliases["postclassical"] = "post-classical"

labels["嚴禁"] = {
	display = "不推薦使用",
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "爭議用語" },
aliases["proscribed"] = "嚴禁"

labels["radio slang"] = {
	pos_categories = { "radio slang" },

labels["罕用"] = {
	display = "罕用",
	pos_categories = { "罕用詞語" }

aliases['罕見'] = "罕用"
aliases["罕用詞語"] = "罕用"
aliases["罕"] = "罕用"
aliases["rare"] = "罕用"
aliases["rare sense"] = "罕用"

labels["rare term"] = {
	display = "rare",
	-- see comments about "obsolete"
	pos_categories = { "罕用用語" },

labels["religious slur"] = {
	display = "[[religious]] [[slur]]",
	pos_categories = { "religious slurs" },
aliases["sectarian slur"] = "religious slur"

labels["retronym"] = {
	display = "[[retronym]]",
	pos_categories = { "retronyms" },

labels["諷刺"] = {
	display = "[[諷刺]]",
	pos_categories = { "諷刺用語" },

aliases["sarcastic"] = "諷刺"
aliases["諷"] = "諷刺"

labels["school slang"] = {
	pos_categories = { "school slang" },
aliases["public school slang"] = "school slang"

labels["俚語"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "俚語" },
aliases["slang"] = "俚語"
aliases["俚"] = "俚語"

labels["college slang"] = {
	pos_categories = { "student slang" },
aliases["university slang"] = "college slang"
aliases["student slang"] = "college slang"

labels["短信"] = {
	display = "[[短信]]",
	pos_categories = { "短信俚語" },
aliases["texting"] = "短信"
aliases["短信息"] = "短信"
aliases["短訊"] = "短信"
aliases["簡訊"] = "短信"
aliases["text messaging"] = "短信"

labels["thieves' cant"] = {
	Wikipedia = true,
	plain_categories = { "Thieves' cant" },
aliases["thieves cant"] = "thieves' cant"
aliases["thieves'"] = "thieves' cant"
aliases["thieves"] = "thieves' cant"

labels["商標"] = {
	display = "[[商標]]",
	pos_categories = { "商標" },
aliases["trademark"] = "商標"

labels["transferred sense"] = {
	display = "[[transferred sense#English|transferred sense]]",
	pos_categories = { "terms with transferred senses" },

labels["transferred senses"] = {
	display = "[[transferred sense#English|transferred senses]]",
	pos_categories = { "terms with transferred senses" },

labels["uds."] = {
	display = "[[Appendix:西班牙語代詞#Ustedes 和 vosotros|西班牙正式用法]]" }

labels["不常見"] = {
	pos_categories = { "罕用形式" },
aliases["uncommon"] = "不常見"

labels["非常罕用"] = {
	pos_categories = { "罕用形式" },
aliases["very rare"] = "非常罕用"

labels["粗俗"] = {
	glossary = true,
	pos_categories = { "粗俗用語" },
aliases["coarse"] = "粗俗"
aliases["obscene"] = "粗俗"
aliases["profane"] = "粗俗"
aliases["vulgar"] = "粗俗"
aliases["粗"] = "粗俗"

labels["vesre"] = {
	plain_categories = { "Vesre" },

-- 用於男女用詞不同的語言
labels["女性用語"] = {
	glossary = "女性用語",
	pos_categories = { "女性用語" },
aliases["female speech"] = "女性用語"
aliases["women's speech"] = "女性用語"

labels["example1"] = {
	Wikipedia = "Wu Chinese"

labels["example2"] = {
	glossary = "palatalization"

-- 地區標籤
local m_regional = require("Module:labels/data/regional")

for key, val in pairs(m_regional.labels) do
	labels[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_regional.aliases) do
	aliases[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_regional.deprecated) do
	deprecated[key] = val

-- 主題標籤

local m_topical = require("Module:labels/data/topical")

for key, val in pairs(m_topical.labels) do
	labels[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_topical.aliases) do
	aliases[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_topical.deprecated) do
	deprecated[key] = val

--[[	Add subvariety labels and the corresponding aliases
		and deprecated labels if they have a language code
		in the "languages" field.								]]
local m_subvarieties = require("Module:labels/data/subvarieties")

for key, val in pairs(m_subvarieties.labels) do
	if labels[key] then
		replacements.labels[key] = labels[key]
	if val.languages then
		labels[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_subvarieties.aliases) do
	if aliases[key] then
		replacements.aliases[key] = aliases[key]
	if labels[val] then
		aliases[key] = val

for key, val in pairs(m_subvarieties.deprecated) do
	if deprecated[key] then
		replacements.deprecated[key] = deprecated[key]
	if labels[key] then
		deprecated[key] = val

return {
	["labels"] = labels,
	["aliases"] = aliases,
	["deprecated"] = deprecated,
	["replacements"] = replacements,