MediaWiki API 结果




    "warnings": {
        "main": {
            "*": "Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes. Use [[Special:ApiFeatureUsage]] to see usage of deprecated features by your application."
        "expandtemplates": {
            "*": "Because \"prop\" was not specified, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future the new format will always be used."
    "expandtemplates": {
        "*": "\rServer:\rNo. of pages: 2,240,682\rNo. of articles: 1,631,945\rNo. of edits: 8,346,998\rNo. of users: 119,693\rNo. of active users: 74\rNo. of group:autopatrolled: 0\rNo. in group:sysop: 10\rNo. in group:bureaucrat: 0\rNo. in group:oversight: 0\rNo. in group:checkuser: 0\rNo. in group:bot: 12"